“Stop torturing yourself and get into the shower,” It always helps when I chastise myself. I stood under the super hot sprays pelting my skin, with my thoughts returning to Bourne. All I know about Bourne is from Marielle and these last few days in his company. I don’t know who he was after she died, leading up to who he is today. I will learn about him once I gather enoughcourage to leave this shower. It’s safe in here and warm, and out there, scary and leaves me unsure.

The water began to turn cold, and I had no choice but to turn off the dials and face Bourne. I dried my body off and applied the buttery body lotion all over. It was a mix of shea butter and vanilla. I loved it, and it left a glow on my olive skin. My hair was too long and in need of a cut. I brushed out all the tangles and braided several sections before creating a style. It would probably take hours to dry, and I didn’t have that type of time. Next was choosing the perfect outfit to face Bourne in. What does one wear to cleanse one’s soul to your best friend's brother, that would be alive today if not for me?

Let’s keep it simple and go with a tank top and a pair of linen shorts. My head was beginning to hurt with all the back and forth I was putting myself through. This is crazy, and I can’t imagine why he would want anything to do with me after he finally learns the truth about what I’ve done and the lengths my father went to remove me from his life. I took one last glance in the mirror, and like the metaphor states; I pulled up my big girl panties and searched for Bourne. It was now or never. My ankle felt much better, and I didn’t need to call him for help. I opened the door, and there he was, waiting for me.

“Have you been here waiting this entire time?” I asked and smiled, already knowing the answer.



I wish I had a camera to capture the look on Sabina’s face when she opened the door to find me standing on the other side. I wanted to wait here the entire time, but I had to check in with Edric for a status report. I did not want to be disturbed when I spoke to Sabina. We didn’t receive any further communication from Lucas after his last e-mail. As far as I know, Marco is alive and contained, and Kaz is handling our business in London. I employed a team from diverse backgrounds with many talents. I know in my absence; they had everything covered. I was off the grid and have no plans to leave the island anytime soon.

“No, I just got here,”I lied. “Are you okay with walking down the stairs on your own?”

“Yes, I’ll be alright,”

“Perfect, shall we go to breakfast?” I said and held out my hand for Sabina to accept. She did it with no hesitation, anddoing so made me feel amazing. Who knew a simple gesture would accomplish that?

Anna had prepared a feast, not knowing what she wanted to eat. I could eat anything as long as tea accompanied my meal. I observed her as she examined the choices. She filled her plate with egg whites, turkey bacon, and fresh fruit. I liked what she selected and chose the same and added a short stack of pancakes to my plate. I took my place at the head of the table, with Sabina taking the seat to my right. It pleased me greatly that she sat beside me. We sat silently for a couple of minutes, and then Sabina poured herself a glass of juice and asked me if I would also like some. She was, again, pleasing me a great deal.

“Thank you, Principessa, that was thoughtful of you.”

She rolled her eyes and said, “Let’s not make a big deal out of it; I have manners, and although the devil raised me, I still know how to say please and thank you.”The devil? As in Marco?

“Lucky me, shall we eat and walk on the beach?”

“If it’s all the same to you, I’m comfortable right where I am.”

“Very well, but please let me know if you change your mind. New Zealand is beautiful this time of year.”

“The great reveal! I was wondering when you were going to tell me where you have taken me,”

“For a smart woman, I would have thought you had figured it out by now.”

“Hmm, and what brought you to that conclusion?”

“It’s not like you slept during the flight, and on our approach, you stared out the window to the clear waters below. I was waiting for you to guess Australia or New Zealand.”

“I was initially thinking about Australia, but no famous Sydney view of the opera house. Will we continue to talk geography or address the real issue?”

“Alright, what would you say if I told you I am nervous? And hesitant to bring up the real issue again since the last time I did, it didn’t go so well.”

“I think it will this time, so if it’s okay, I’d like to begin.”

“Go on,” I said.

“Back on the plane, I did remember you, but long before that, Marielle had been on my mind, and when it finally all came together in one big revelation, I panicked and did what I do best.”

“Which is?”

“I hide. Marielle befriended me immediately from the first moment I arrived at the Mayfield School. Her personality was so lively that I sometimes felt small around her, but it would last for a second. Marielle would pull me into any conversation I wasn’t included in and always made me feel part of the group.” I smiled, knowing everything she was saying about Marielle was true. My sister was one of a kind.

“Thank you for saying that. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard anyone speak so highly of my sister.”

“She was my best friend in the world, and we cared for one another deeply. We shared our deepest secrets and had each other’s backs, which brings me to the next thing I will tell you.” She swallowed hard and, before my eyes, physically changed. I knew what she would say, but I never had confirmation until now. First, I need Sabina to say the words, and then once I hear them, I will put my plan in motion and destroy the Santoro Family.

“I don’t know how to begin this part,” she began to say, and then a tear fell, followed by another. “I’m sorry, Bourne,” I leaned across the table and reached for her hands.