“What did they say,” Marielle sat up on my bed curiously.

“My father said no, and then Lucas got on the phone and apologized that it just wasn’t a good time. I miss my mother so much, and they always say she can’t come to the phone every time I call. I know she wants to talk to me, but he won’t let her.”

“Your father sounds like a real douchebag, and Lucas is just as trapped as you are, no offense.”

“No, he’s not trapped, he chooses this life, and all I want to do is run from it. My father is a monster, and he hurts people for fun. I know he’s hurt my mother, but she is trapped and has no choice but to take it. I thought for a long time that I was being punished by being sent away to school, but I’m a lot better off because I’m here.” I hugged my friend and said, “You are the lucky one, Marielle.”

“What do you mean?”

“You may have lost your mom early, but you still have two amazing people who love you and would probably move heaven and earth if you asked them to. Your brother is amazing and a freaking hero defending his country.”

“I guess you’ve been paying attention; Bourne is quite dreamy.” She shoved at my shoulder and made faces at me.

“Quit it; I just think it’s pretty cool, that’s all.”

“And he’s dreamy, right?”

“Duh! I have eyes, but I’m sure he didn’t think of me again after I met him.”

“Nonsense, I talk about you constantly, and you know I’m an open book.”

“Which means?” I asked.

“I tell him a lot; let’s leave it at that.”

“Oh, my God! I’m so embarrassed,”

“You love it, so shut up, and let’s plan a coup.”

“Come again?”

“A coup. You heard me, we are going to get you home to Italy so you can visit your mother on her birthday, and I know how to do it.”

I rolled over to my side and saw Bourne sitting by the bed, watching me. I wiped my face and combed my fingers through my hair. I probably looked horrifying to him.

“Morning, please note how I left out the good in that greeting.”

“I don’t deserve anything good, at least of all coming from you,”

“Don’t say that, Principessa, you deserve everything, and if you let me, I want to be the one that gives it to you.” He leaned in closer and kissed me gently on my lips. “How’s your ankle feeling?”

“I don’t even remember, so it's fine.”

“Good, take a shower or a bath, whatever you prefer, and then hit one on the phone. I will come back and carry you downstairs if you cannot make it on your own.”

“And what happens after that?” I asked, not knowing what he would say, but I had a feeling it would be something nice, or he wouldn’t have been here when I woke up.

“How about we start with breakfast, and then we will talk. Will you do something for me first?”

“If I can,”

“If you must cry, then cry it all out in the shower because I don’t think my heart can see any more tears across your beautiful face. You should smile, not cry. See you soon, Principessa.”

I watched him leave my room, but I had a feeling that if I had asked him to stay, he would have. Marielle always sang her brother’s praises and would share countless stories about him and his time in the military and growing up in London. From the moment I met Bourne, I thought of him often. He didn’t visit again but kept in touch with his sister as much as possible with letters and occasional phone calls. In a few letters, he even asked about me. At the time, I thought he was just being polite until I received a package addressed to me one day. He had been in Spain for whatever reason and had sent me chocolate. Of course, I told Marielle about it, and she smiled, knowing something I didn’t.

I remember waiting with bated breath after she would get off the phone after a long conversation. I wanted to know everything and if Bourne was safe. She once told me that he was much more than a regular officer. I didn’t know what she meant, and then she explained that he was in the Special Air Service, and when he went out on missions, he was deep undercover and had to be secretive for his and his team’s safety.

Again, how did I get here? Bourne Atwater went from a secret fantasy boyfriend that only mere mortals could dream about to not my captor but my savior who wants me and all of me. My head was spinning, and my stomach began to do flips.