
My eyes scanned the lush green field lined with white chairs reserved for families ready to shout and ring out the applause for the graduates, but sadly, no one from my family was there for me. It’s not like I thought my father would show up. He had written me off soon after my mother died. But I hoped for my brother. He’s older by ten years, and when we were younger, he always looked out for me, but he’s been absent from my life for a long time now. So, it was silly to believe he would be here. But I still have hope in my heart after all these years.

In the years I’ve attended college here at Brown, he’s only visited a few times. I want to be the understanding sister and tell him it is okay, but it’s not. I’m alone, and it’s been that way for a long time. I sometimes wish to disappear and start over where no one knows my family or me. I sighed as I fought back the tears that always fall when I thought of my family. I was lost inmy thoughts and didn’t hear my best friend come up behind me. She was the sun I needed to give my dark thoughts the light.

“Sabina, why the long face?” asked Lucy. She put her arms around me and gave me a massive squeeze. I missed these hugs and needed them more than she knew. She pulled back and saw my eyes, and there was no way to hide their sadness.

“Come on, talk to me,” she placed her arms around my shoulders.

“He didn’t show up,” I said, releasing the tears I could no longer fight against.

“Well, I’m here, and so is Pierre, who got on a plane if you could believe that. I had to tranquilize him like a horse. But, man, it feels weird being back here since we graduated last spring.”

“I’m sorry. Lucy, I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. I love that my two best friends are here, and I have missed you so much.”

“We missed you too. We are here for you; someone has to be. You’ve been doing this song and dance routine with your family for all the years I’ve known you, and I’m sure it’s been longer than that. You know who they are, and they know where you are. If they don’t have the decency to show up and tell you in person how proud they are of you, then fuck them. You are amazing, have worked incredibly hard on the dean’s list, and have remained there all four years you attended here. Be proud of your accomplishment, and please don’t allow your family to make you feel any less than you deserve.”

“I love you, Lucy. Thank you for being my best friend.” I sighed into her shoulder as she hugged me as tight as she could.

“I love you more. Now, I must check on my husband and ensure he’s coherent enough to watch you receive your diploma. Are you going to be okay?”

“I am, thanks to you,” one more hug, and then she left to find her husband—Lucy’s right. My father and brother have hadevery chance to be a part of my life. It’s my special day, and I will not shed another tear over their absence.

The traditional music played in the background as my eyes scanned the stage with graduates accepting their diplomas as fellow alumni and faculty congratulated them. As the ceremony began and the excitement built, I took my place in line. I couldn’t stop smiling, knowing I was about to become a college graduate. Not many mafia daughters get this opportunity, but I did and never questioned it. It was better than being a bargaining chip with a rival family. I lost count of how many times I thanked the heavens for escaping an arranged marriage. The line continued to move, and I smiled again, forgetting my earlier thoughts. My last name began with S, so I knew it would be a while before they got to me. It was a beautiful day, with the sun shining and warming my cheeks. My family may not have cared to show up, but my friends did. I felt their love as I passed the row they were seated in.

Hearing my name caused me to smile proudly. I began taking the four steps leading to the stage. I walked with my head held high and proud of my accomplishment. After I shook the chancellor’s hand and he handed me my diploma, I looked out to the crowd and heard the cheers from Lucy and Pierre. I scanned it again and noticed my brother proudly clapping.He’s here. My brother Lucas and his small army of guards surrounded him.I was in a state of shock, still not believing what I was seeing. A fellow graduate tapped me on my shoulder, and I quickly moved forward. I released a calming breath as I walked down and off the stage to re-take my seat. I glanced at Lucy, who looked as surprised as I was.

The graduation commenced, and I ran toward my friends, who engulfed me in big hugs and kisses. “I am so proud of you,” said Pierre. Lucy said the same and hugged me again until I couldn’tbreathe. “We love you so much, and when you can, please visit us in Rome, okay?”

“Yes, I will add it to my calendar,” I replied, hoping I could.

“Good, make sure you do. Are you alright? We saw Lucas out in the crowd.”

“I think so. I wasn’t sure if my mind was playing tricks on me.”

“No, we saw him too. We are here for you, you know that, right?”

“Always,” I said and sighed into their embrace.

“It’s been a long day, and we’re returning to our hotel. Will you call us later?”

“Yes, I will.” And just as I said goodbye to my friends, my brother didn’t take long to approach. He probably was waiting until I was alone to make his appearance. He was carrying a huge bouquet of roses for me that made me think of my mother’s garden. He handed them to Gio, his most trusted guard, and embraced me. It was intense and dominating. But I knew what it was—a message.

“Happy Graduation Day, little sister. You look beautiful. I can’t believe you graduated from college. I am so proud of you, kid.” He said as he kept me close in his arms. I didn’t trust how I felt since this morning when I believed he didn’t care, and now he’s here with flowers and accolades.

Before I could say a word, he said, or more like ordered. “Come, I want to take you to dinner and celebrate my sister.” He extended his arm like a perfect gentleman while I stood there dumbfounded. I haven’t seen him for years, and he’s here to take me to dinner. No phone call or letter letting me know that he was coming. I want to scream at him, but he’s my brother, and I can’t hurt him. Of course, the perfect and obedient sister would follow him to the car and do as he instructed, but for once, I just wanted to stand my ground and voice what I wanted.

“Lucas, I can’t join you for dinner. I have plans with my friends who traveled a long way to be here for me,” I quickly said without taking a breath, fearing I would lose my nerve. But, instead, my brother’s demeanor changed, and I could see his back muscles tense up to his full 6’4 intimidating height.

“Hmm, and I didn’t travel as far? Have you forgotten our family home is in Italy? I didn’t come all this way to hand you flowers. I know our time is limited, and I’m away more than I’m present, but that’s another thing I would like to talk to you about if you would allow me to. Please, do me the honor of being your escort this evening and take you to dinner.” His eyes were softer, and I crumbled and said yes to his invitation. He turned to Gio, still holding my flowers, and passed them to Lucas, who passed them to me but not before kissing my forehead.

We dined at the Parkside, an upscale French steakhouse. Lucas reserved the entire dining room just for us, with Gio standing guard. It felt strange to be here with no other patrons in the restaurant, but money talks, and what Lucas wants, Lucas gets. He ordered champagne and chocolate covered strawberries to toast me and every appetizer on the menu to share. Unfortunately, he may have to roll me out of here with all the courses he ordered.

“To my beautiful sister, Sabina Lauren Santoro, the graduate!” We clinked glasses, and I enjoyed the crisp taste of the champagne. He handed me a strawberry immediately, and the sweet goodness danced on my tongue as I finished my glass.

“Thirsty?” he joked as he smiled over the rim of his glass. Then, he topped mine and said, “As I mentioned earlier, I wanted to talk and discuss my plans for you, but most importantly, you returning home.” I felt sick because deep down, I knew that’s what he would say.