My parents and I sat in silence for a while, and eventually I made an excuse to leave the kitchen. I couldn’t believe that my parents knew so much more about Connor than they’d let on. My mind was going a mile a minute thinking that every aspect of my life from the moment I arrived in Postings had been so manipulated by Connor and his games. He played with my life and the lives of everyone around me.
I was so angry I could breathe fire.
Just like I promised I would, I went up to Gus’s room and climbed into his bed. He was asleep, so I snuggled in behind him, and he turned without waking to curl into my arms. I held him close and thought about how much more damage Connor could do if we didn’t end him soon.
When I went back to The Royal Court the next day, it was going to be with renewed veracity. I wanted Connor Loche down, and I wanted him down for good.
From casual walks with Concrete to working in the backyard, all outdoor activities for me had come to a complete and total halt. If everything that had happened at the roadshow wasn’t enough to convince me that I needed to stay inside, Felicity felt she had no choice but to come clean to Venom about what we’d done, and we both got an earful.
“I mean, fucking honestly,” he snapped over speaker during his call with Felicity. “The two people I care about most in the entire fucking world are out there doing shit that could get them killed. I feel like I’m talking to my goddamn cell wall. Did Inottell you to let me handle this shit? There’s a reason I’m saying what I’m saying. It’s not to fucking leave you two out of it, it’s because I’ve seen Connor at work. He’s a fucking snake, and he wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet in either of you. And what, he wasn’t even fucking there? If he’d killed you, D, he wouldn’t have even been the one going down for it. I mean…” He growled. “Shit. Just stay fucking still. I’m not gonna tell either of you again.”
Getting really and truly scolded for the first time ever by the man I’d come to see as my father was equal parts upsetting and enlightening. There were people out there who cared about me. People were expecting me to be smart about the decisions I was making and ensure that I was still alive at the end of the day, and I let my hubris and wanting to end Connor for good get in the way of that. I imagined that if Cherri or Nathan knew what I’d done, they’d be just as mad.
I owed it to the people I loved not to be so dumb.
So I was sitting at home. My anxiety was through the roof, and I found myself peeking through the windows on a near constant rotation, because I’d managed to convince myself that I led the people chasing me back to Felicity. They didn’t see her face, and if I were to take a guess, they didn’t know it was her beneath the mask. That didn’t ease my fear. Venom was right, Connor knew how to dig shit up even if it was twelve feet deep. It probably wouldn’t take him long to figure out we were together if he was given the smallest hint. By now, he knew that someone was helping me, and he was probably already working his resources to figure out who.
“Deon?” Felicity called out as she walked back into the house. It’d become a bad—or maybe good—habit of ours to call out to one another whenever she was coming or going.
“I’m in the living room,” I called back.
I heard Concrete’s collar shaking, and a few seconds later he came bounding into the living room, followed closely by Felicity. If it weren’t for the fact that she had a job and Concrete turned into a monster whenever he didn’t get his walks, Felicity would probably be condemned to the house too, but she at least had a hidden identity, at least for now.
“How’s your leg?” she asked.
It’d been a few days since I got shot, again, but luckily the second time around wasn’t as bad as the first. “It’s sore, but other than that, it’s fine. It grazed me really. I took more damage from the fall and then giving it a goddamn seawater bath.” Just mentioning it made my wound sting, like the saltwater was still licking at the open sore. “I’m okay.”
“Did you change the bandages already?” she asked.
“I just did,” I replied. “I’m okay, mama. Really.”
She gave me a half-lidded gaze and then flopped onto the couch. Concrete jumped up next to her and curled up, falling asleep almost immediately. “I can’t get your father out of my head.”
“Me too. We really let him down and I hate thinking that, on top of everything he’s already worrying about, he has to add a fear that the two of us are misbehaving to the list,” I said.
“Well that too,” Felicity said. “But also because I’m not gonna listen.”
“What?” I said. “What do you mean?”
“I’m gonna go talk to Nico. Before shit went sideways at the show, I got a good lead on a vendor Connor may have used to secure locations in Postings to hide out. If we can get in touch with the man aiding him, we may be able to find where he is. It’s the closest we’ve ever gotten,” Felicity said. “I can’t just not do it.”
“You cannot leave this house,” I ordered. “I’m sorry, I know in the grand scheme of things we haven’t known each other that long but I love you like a mom. Not only that, but Ven—my dad was clear that he wanted to take care of this on his own. We should trust him.”
“I do, Deon, but I’m panicking now. Every day I think I’m gonna wake up and find you dead in your bed or hear that Venom’s been shanked behind bars.” Felicity’s eyes were low and her voice was strained. “I need to protect my family, you included. Besides, Nico and I… let’s just say we go way back. He wouldn’t hurt me, and he wouldn’t let anyone else hurt me. I’m going straight there and coming straight back, that’s it.”
I didn’t know what to say or do. Felicity seemed so determined, but if Venom found out that I let her go,he’dbe the one trying to kill me. “If he asks me, I’m not going to lie to him,” I said.
She scoffed. “You’d sell out your own step-mother?”
“To not get my ass kicked? In a heartbeat,” I said, then I smiled a bit and Felicity returned the sentiment. “I just want you to be safe.”
“And I will be,” she replied. “I called him while I was walking Concrete and set up a meeting for later tonight. You’ll be on your own for dinner, but there’s still leftover lasagna.”
“I mean… there isn’t, because I ate that already, but I’ll figure something out,” I said.