Page 67 of Hurt for Me

“Okay, Rae, go ahead and give me his description.”

Rae told her everything she could remember about Mark and what Viv had told her about him owing money to a loan shark. She told the detective about his deadline for the house-sale money and how he had stolen Viv’s precious watch to manipulate her into complying with his demands. Rae even told them about his not-so-subtle threat to her at Trader Joe’s.

“There was an older store worker there who witnessed it too. I can describe him, and you can ask him yourself.”

“This is all good information, Rae, and we will get people on it. In the meantime, I need the name of the prenatal cardiologist you saw today.”

“Why?” But then she realized. She was a possible suspect, and she didn’t want them wasting any more time looking at the wrong people. “Fine. It’s Dr. Preethi Kumar.”

“Thank you.” Detective Kennedy took down the information. “Now, I need to ask what exactly was your relationship to Viv? We understand you live with her.”

“She’s my best friend.” A sharp pain hit her in the chest when she said the words. “She helped me when I had no one.”

“Was it only a friendship? Nothing ... romantic?”

Rae couldn’t believe they were asking her this. “No, she was like my mom.”

The detective’s face looked uncomfortable as she said, “We found some items in Viv’s room that point to BDSM practices and possible sex work. Do you know anything about that?”

She didn’t understand why they were focusing so much on all the wrong things. “She’s a professional dominatrix. She does it online, and it’s completely legal.”

“As far as you know, has she ever had any issues with anyone who used her services?”

Rae replayed all the conversations she’d had with Viv. “No.”

“Besides her ex-husband, do you know if she ever had any issues with other exes?”

She was about to say no until she remembered the fateful night she’d learned about Viv’s work. “Sort of. His name was Dean. I don’t know his last name. And I don’t think she really had a problem with him. He once came to the condo with flowers after they broke up, but she sent him away. He used to be her client, and she said they dated for a few weeks until he got too needy.”

“That’s good. Will you please describe him for me?”

Rae gave as much detail of Dean as she could, although she thought it was pointless.

“This is all helpful. Thank you for your cooperation.” She smiled at Rae. “Now we’re going to need to keep you here for a little bit while we check on some things.”

A little bit turned into several hours. Rae didn’t know what time it was, but it had to be late evening. Apparently, they were able to confirm Rae’s whereabouts when Viv was murdered because they said she was free to go.

“But where do I stay?” she asked the officer who was checking her out.

“You can’t stay at the crime scene until it’s been cleared, which might be tomorrow.”

Rae wasn’t sure if she could ever stay at the condo again after seeing Viv’s lifeless form on her bed. She wasn’t sure if she could stay there anyway since she wasn’t the owner. She wasn’t even a renter.

Panic tried to grip her throat again, but she wouldn’t allow it. She had to be strong and find a safe place for tonight. For Lily. She had her debit card since Viv had talked her into opening a free checking account. She could get a motel room.

She drove to a Motel 6 and checked in. She was so tired, she didn’t stop for food, although she was starving. So, she took the few dollars she had on her and went to the vending machine. It was slim pickings, but she was going to make a meal out of a bag of potato chips, Reese’s Pieces, and a Coke.

The night air was humid as she headed back toward her room on the second floor. She glanced over to the parking lot to check on her car, which was still where she’d parked it. Then she saw it. A red Corvette.

It couldn’t be Mark’s, but maybe it was. It sure looked like his car.

Rae climbed the stairs to the second story, wondering if she was going to pass by his room on the way to her own. She decided she would eat her food at the window and keep watch.

If he was staying there, she would find out. And then she’d make him pay.