Page 23 of Hurt for Me

Genitals? She couldn’t imagine using any of those tools on that area. One time when she was younger, she crashed her bike, her seat ramming hard into her pelvic bone, and she thought she would die from the pain.

Viv continued to go over each tool, and Rae saw the pleasure on her friend’s face as she described her favorite implements to use on clients. But this brought up a big question.

“Viv, how do you use these when your clients are online?”

Viv cocked her hip as she drummed what looked like a slender piece of bamboo on her palm. “Most of my clients are online now, yes, but I still do play-party events and occasional in-person play for some of my old clients. As for what I do for my online clients, most of dominating someone is all in the mind.”

“So, you what? Say mean things to them?”

“Sometimes, yes, I demean them. Sometimes I mother them if they’re into age play. And, although I don’t consider myself a findomme—meaning a Domme who demands money from their clients—I have a lot of clients who are into it.”

Rae laughed. “Wait, are you serious? Men just give you money because you tell them to?”

A wicked grin spread across Viv’s face. “Well, I amverypersuasive.”

Excitement fizzed throughout Rae’s body when she thought of how much power she could wield once she learned how.

“Hon, I see the wheels turning in your pretty little head, but this isn’t as simple as it may sound. It’s the hardest but most rewarding work I’ve ever done, and it takes many, many hours of practice to get it right.”

More than anything, Rae wanted to get it right. Before she’d dropped out of school, she’d been an honor roll student on track to go to college. Now, college seemed so far out of reach, and here she had an opportunity to earn money and make a life for herself and her child.

“I understand, Viv. I’ll do the work, I promise.”

Viv appraised her from head to toe. “I know you will, and I have no doubt you’ll be successful. You’re gorgeous, you’re smart, and you listen. And listening is the most important aspect of this work I want you to learn. But it’s not only about listening with your ears. It’s listening with your eyes.”

“You mean see how the person’s reacting to what you’re doing to them?”

“Exactly. Like right now I see you need to use the bathroom, so why don’t we take a small break?”

Rae didn’t know how Viv could tell, but she had to pee so bad. Again. She was urinating as much as her body was rapidly changing. Like everything in her life now, shifting to make room for another life to exist. For her own life to exist.




Somehow, Rae and Angel made it through the day without a single call or email from a client asking about theCrimson Chroniclearticle. Rae doubted it would stay that way, considering how fast it was spreading on the kink-community sites. Detective Clearwater may have been successful in getting the article removed from the site, but screenshots live forever.

By the time Rae drove over to Lily’s school to get her, she was exhausted from putting out potential fires online in between clients. Living in a red state meant it didn’t matter if BDSM practices were legal when between consenting adults. To some, it would always be considered deviant and disgusting, which meant many people had to keep their kinks private, lest their employer find a way to fire them. A lot of ultraconservatives even went so far as to suggest all members of the LGBTQ community were into BDSM and were actively grooming children. It was so ridiculous and false, but there were real ramifications to people believing those stories. Like how nearly every legislativesession included a bill trying to make sodomy illegal for same-sex couples even after the Supreme Court decision onLawrence v. Texas. If only legislators knew how many of their campaign donors begged Rae to peg them—something she wished she could do, but it clearly fell within the illegal realm of sex for money.

Rae forced those thoughts from her mind as she waited for Lily in the school’s circle drive. When her daughter got into the passenger seat, Rae felt tension radiating from her, and she hoped against hope it was from getting a bad grade on a test or something shitty Gabby said to her.

“Hey, honey, you have a good day?”

Nothing. She glanced at Lily, saw her staring down at her cell phone.

After they drove the short distance to their neighborhood and pulled onto their street, Rae tried again. “How was your day?”

“It was . . . interesting.”

Rae held in a breath until she gathered enough bravery to finally ask, “In what way?”

A long pause. “I think you know what way, Mom.”

Rae’s heart jackhammered in her chest.

“I guess that explains why you wouldn’t book Gabby’s mom.”