“Exactly. Hey, you never know. You might decide one is enough.”

“True.” He finished off his drink and tapped the top of the bar twice. “Well, I gotta get back. I just stopped by to see if Marek needed me anywhere before I pick up a laundry list of shit Zoe wants from the store.” Brick jerked his chin at Ryder before turning his attention back to me. “You’re stayin’ until Christmas, right? You gonna be here for the party?”

“Yeah, we’ll be here.”

“Still no plans on returning for good? Lovin’ the nomad life too much?” His laughter was hollow, as if he already knew the answer.

“Edana doesn’t want to move back here. She can only take this place in small doses.”

There were times when I wanted to use the argument that what happened to her was so long ago, she should be able to move past it, and to a certain degree, she had. But when I allowed my brain to dive back into those memories, I swear no time at all had passed, and depending on the day, or my mood, I felt everything I had as if it were yesterday. All the guilt, helplessness, and the rage. So, for me to ask her to dismiss that part of her past, to ask her to get over it, to move on, well… it would be insensitive of me. And because I didn’t want to risk losing her, I kept my mouth shut where that was concerned.

“I get it. You have to be where she is. I’d never leave Zoe either. I would’ve moved to London if she decided to stay there instead of moving back here. Not sure how that would’ve worked out, and thankfully I didn’t have to find out.” He slapped me on the back as he rose from his stool. “Count your blessings, man. I do every damn day.”

After he walked away, chatting with Ryder before heading toward the exit, I repeated his parting words.

Count your blessings.

It’d been hard to do that years ago, but I was thankful for the life I had, that I’d survived the worst.

Now all I had to do was convince the love of my life to marry me.

I only hoped she included me inherblessings.


Reentering the main room of the clubhouse after using the bathroom, I noticed several ol’ ladies standing around chitchatting with each other. It wasn’t until I cast my gaze toward the kitchen that I saw Edana, her hair pulled into a high ponytail, her shoulders bouncing in amusement at something Sully said.

Her back was to me as I strolled up behind her, and I put my finger to my lips when Prez’s wife saw me approach. A ghost of a smile passed over her face right before she continued her conversation with my woman.

“What are you doin’ here?” I rushed to say, circling my arms around her waist, and pulling her into me as I nuzzled her neck.

“Jesus, Mark! You scared the hell out of me.” She smacked my forearm before twisting around in my arms, linking her fingers behind my head. “How many times have I told you not to startle me?” The crease between her brows deepened, but her tone remained lighthearted.

“Remind me.”

“Too many to count,” she replied, shaking her head when my smile widened.

Edana was the only one who ever called me by my given name. Not even my brother used it. He gave me the nickname Hawke when we were kids because I’d had laser-sharp eyesight and noticed everything. Or was it because I wore a mohawk for an entire school year? I couldn’t remember either way, but the name stuck.

“So, what are you doin’ here?” I repeated, loosening my grip on her but not wanting to let go of her completely. Not just yet.

It wasn’t rare to see her here at the club, but it wasn’t a common occurrence either. At least, it hadn’t been for many years.

“Sully called and asked if I wanted to help decorate for Christmas and I said yes.” My attention veered toward the black-haired woman before I met Edana’s gaze once more.

“Really?” My voice rose an octave in shock.

“Yeah. Why does that surprise you? Or is it that you don’t want me here?” Years ago, her latter question would’ve been laced with anger and hurt, but those days were no more. She was simply curious, the ease of her tone solidifying my assumption.

“I’m just surprised is all. And of course, you can be here.”

Edana playfully tapped my cheek. “Thought so.” She pressed her lips to mine before pulling back, her kiss way too short for my liking. “Now, let us get to it.”

“Where’s Luke?” Reece asked, walking up next to us. “He said he was on his way here to help pull out some of the boxes for us.”

“As far as I know, that’s where he went,” I said.

I finally let go of Edana, taking in her attire as she took a step back. She wore an oversized T-shirt with our club logo embellished on the front—a skull with flames shooting out from both sides and a sword slicing through the middle. A pair of black yoga pants melded to her lower half, and her favorite black sneakers finished the look. Casual yet sexy. Then again, I thought she was sexy no matter what she wore.