

“Not gonna happen. We don’t have time.” The scowl on my face prompted her to add, “You can have your way with me later, when we get home.”


“Yes, now join me in the shower. And wipe that smirk off your handsome face. It’s just a shower.”

“We’ll see.”


“How many presents did you get?” I asked, looking at the array of gifts in the back of the truck.

Edana walked up beside me, her focus swiveling toward the wrapped goods. “Not that many.” She paused. “Okay, maybe I went overboard, but I don’t get to buy for anyone anymore. All my nieces and nephews are grown. So I have to spoil the young ones here.” Her faux whiny voice made me shake my head and grin.

Even though Edana had shopped for the array of indulgence, I paid for more than half, so I felt comfortable saying they were from both of us.

Since neither of us were big into Christmas, we agreed to stop buying gifts for each other five years ago. If there was anything we wanted, we bought it whenever the urge hit. No need to wait until the holiday.

“You exchange with your sister.”

“One gift.”

“You just like to shop.”

“True.” She smiled before reaching to straighten my tie. “You look so handsome.”

“Nice deflection.” I averted my eyes from hers for a moment. “It’s not too much? I don’t remember the last time I wore a tie.”

I’d chosen a long-sleeve, black button-up and matching tie to wear beneath my cut. Not only was it chilly today, the high temperature only reaching fifty-eight, typical weather for this time of year, but I wanted to dress up a little for what I had planned. I wore jeans so the guys wouldn’t make fun of me too badly.

“It’s perfect. I know you’re out of your comfort zone, but it’s a special occasion.”

She didn’t know how true her statement was.

Edana took a step back, pushing her hair over her shoulder. “How do I look?”

An emerald-green, strapless dress that stopped just above her knees fit her perfectly. The only reason I knew the specific color was because she’d mentioned it at least four times. The top part was snug, too snug in case anyone cared what I thought, but the bottom part flared away from her body. Because of the weather, she’d had to wear a thin sweater. I was thankful for the small things.

“I’m not lovin’ that,” I said, motioning toward her cleavage, “but otherwise you look gorgeous. As usual.” My smile erased my bout of annoyance at having any part of her exposed.

“I’m barely showing anything.” Her hand rested over her chest.

“You’re showing too much.”

“Now who’s exaggerating?” she asked, referring to the comment I made to Tripp earlier.

I remembered too well all the times I’d demanded she change her clothes when we were younger, getting into all-out verbal brawls because she pushed back every single time. Sometimes I got what I wanted, and sometimes I didn’t. But as the years passed, Edana covered up more, and I believed it was because of what happened. It had only been in the past five years that she’d come out of the shell she’d hid in for years, wearing more fitted clothing. I was happy she reclaimed a former piece of herself, but that didn’t mean I’d have to love it all the time.

Choosing not to dwell on the tops of her tits being on display, I gave her a kiss before reaching for some of the presents.

“I doubt a two-month-old needs this much shit,” I grumbled, trying to balance a handful of presents for Isabelle, Brick and Zoe’s baby. “She has no concept of Christmas or gifts.”

“Oh, stop it.” She smacked my arm. “I couldn’t resist. And what’s the harm in spoiling her? She’ll be grown before we know it.”

“Who’ll be grown before you know it?” Zoe strolled toward us, pushing a strand of red hair out of her eyes, and moving the glass dish of food she carried to one arm before leaning in to give Edana a hug. Everyone brought something to this dinner. Made it easier, less stress for the women so they didn’t have to cook everything. “Love the dress,” she said. “The color goes great with your hair.”