“Everything,” I responded, my hand disappearing between her legs. “I’m gonna rip you apart and put you back together.”

The tiniest crease formed between her brows. I’d never said anything like that before, and quite honestly, if she asked me to explain what I meant, I’d be at a loss for words. But even though I couldn’t clarify it, I felt it. Deep in my soul.

I wanted to destroy her body with mine.

I wanted to bring her to the brink, then pull her back and do it all over again. I wanted her to beg me to stop before pleading with me for more.

For the next hour, I worshipped her.

I toyed with her, teased her unmercifully.

I demanded her patience.

I instructed her to obey, to be silent until she couldn’t.

Her moans drove me deeper.

Her pleas swirled around me until we came together—quick breaths and thundering heartbeats echoing in the space between us.

It was in that moment I realized no matter what happened, if she accepted my proposal or rejected it, she was mine. And she always would be.

Most of my reservation drifted away with the realization.

Or should I say the reminder?

* * *

“What time do we have to be there?”

I barely managed to keep the phone next to my ear as I held Edana tightly against me. I didn’t want to get out of bed yet, needing to enjoy the aftermath with my woman. Something I hadn’t always done.

“We’re eating at four, but Prez wants everyone there by three,” Tripp answered. “And make sure you bring the pies. Don’t forget.”

“I won’t.”

“I’m serious, Hawke. Last time you forgot the dessert, I thought there was gonna be a war.”

“I think you’re exaggerating.”

When I thought back to that incident, however, which was seven years ago, I remembered the uproar of complaint when everyone found out I forgot to bring the only thing I was assigned. Edana didn’t make the trip in with me that year, so I didn’t have anyone to share in the blame. In all honesty, though, if she’d been with me, there never would’ve been an issue. She was always on top of shit.

“Let me talk to Edana,” he demanded.

“No. I told you I got it.”

Edana heard everything, which wasn’t hard to do because my brother was practically shouting.

“We won’t forget the dessert,” she yelled, making me wince.

“See,” I said. “We got it.” I hung up the phone before he could argue and rolled her onto her back. “My ear is ringing now. You’re gonna pay for that.” I moved to get on top of her, but she pushed me back, pointing at the bedside clock.

“The bakery closes at two. We only have an hour to get ready. And since you couldn’t control yourself, I have to take another shower. But at least I don’t have to rewash my hair. Small wins.”

“Small wins,” I parroted, nuzzling her neck, and making her squirm.

“Mark!” she squealed when I gently bit the top of her shoulder, simultaneously digging my fingers into her side. “Stop.” Her laughter soothed any reservations I had about, well… everything. “Stop,” she repeated, dropping her voice in faux seriousness. She smacked my arm, and when I didn’t relent, she snatched a handful of my hair and pulled, the surprise sting of pain getting my attention. But it also turned me on. “Oh no,” she whispered when she saw the twitch of my lips. Before I could pin her to the bed, however, she rolled to the side and hopped to her feet.

“Get back here, woman.”