But quickly, it had started to grate on her nerves.

There were no rolling hills or the sounds of wildlife. The occasional seagull that she saw in parking lots just didn’t cut it.

Maybe she’d made a mistake. She’d jumped at the first offer she’d gotten that was both close and in an area she thought she could enjoy. There was even a lot more to see around here. She could go a half hour in one direction and find herself in the mountains of Park City. She could go in the opposite direction and see all the trees changing colors in the canyons.

Granted, she didn’t have a lot of time to just explore. She was still Katrina Reese, and as such, she liked to showcase just how much she was worth to her company.

The people were great, too. She’d already made a little group of friends. She had two roommates, and three coworkers who had taken her under their wings.

If the area and the people weren’t the problem, there was only one reason why she didn’t feel like she belonged.


As much as she hated to admit it, this place didn’t quite measure up to what she’d anticipated. All her life, she’d wanted to be in the big city. She’d thought small towns were just too tiny and insignificant.

Boy, did she feel wrong.

But there was no going back. She couldn’t just pick up and head home with her tail between her legs. Even if she could and not destroy her reputation, there was a zero percent chance that Simon would forgive her and take her back.

And that was the worst part.

“That Colbert case is a tricky one, isn’t it?”

A male voice interrupted her thoughts, dragging her back into her office and to reality.

Katrina spun around at the intrusion. She tossed a smile at Turk, one of the few men who worked at the office on her floor. He leaned his shoulder against the doorframe and grinned at her like he was a cat who had swallowed the canary.

“They always have the most irritating requests. We’ve done several properties for them and let me tell you, they’re never happy.”

“Oh,” she laughed, “good. Then it’s not me.”

He moved farther into the room, shaking his head. “Nope. It’s not. They can’t make up their minds, and when they do, they hate it. Sometimes, you have to just put something completely different together and pray that they’ll love it.”

She made a face. “And what if they don’t?”

Turk shrugged. “I’ve never been fired, so there’s that.”

Katrina laughed again. “Okay, fair enough.” She turned back to the window and absentmindedly rolled the ball between her hands.

“I know that look.” Turk came up beside her, though he didn’t look in her direction.

“Yeah? What is it?”

His smile curled up at the ends. “You’re homesick.”

She snorted.

“You don’t think so?” This time, he glanced toward her.

His light blue eyes and blond hair were a stark contrast to Simon’s. Though they were striking, they didn’t hold any allure for her at all. Turk had a reputation as being the flirtatious one at the company. But it didn’t matter how sweet he was, Katrina wasn’t interested.

Turk turned his attention to the window again. “You can be homesick and not miss yourhome. You could be homesick for a specific person. Or maybe it’s a landmark. Or your family?”

He quirked a brow and shot one more look at her.

Simon’s face flooded her thoughts. If there was anyone she was homesick for, it would be him.

“A guy. I knew it.”