He was right. There was no telling how easy or hard life would be, but as long as he and Katrina were together, that was all that mattered.

* * *

Katrina hoveredby the front window, waiting for Simon to show up for their date. She’d just gotten the most amazing news and the only person she wanted to share it with was Simon. She could barely stand still as she waited. Her weight continued to shift from one foot to the other in a little nervous dance.

The second he pulled up in front of her house, she darted outside. The words nearly tumbled from her lips, but for some reason, she held back. She wanted the moment to be right. This was a big step for her—for both of them. She was basically telling him that she was choosing to stay here indefinitely. There was nothing else calling to her and nothing would make her happier than to be in Rocky Ridge with the man she loved.

Simon opened her door, and she climbed inside. The whole way to their destination, he was quiet. She couldn’t explain it, but she got the sense that he was lost in thought—far away somewhere.

For no other reason than the fact that her own insecurities had clawed themselves free of the prison where she’d kept them, Katrina’s thoughts turned to the worst-case scenario. Was he realizing that they weren’t supposed to be together? What if he thought he’d made a mistake in coming to Salt Lake to win her back?

By the time they pulled into the parking lot, she wasn’t so sure whether she should tell him her news. But all it took was one glance in his direction and she knew that if she didn’t tell him how she felt, how happy she was, she’d regret it. Whether they stayed together or drifted apart, Simon needed to know the effect he had on her.

She opened her mouth and they both spoke. “Simon?—”


Shutting her mouth, she contemplated if she should let him speak first. But if she was right in her concerns, then her announcement wouldn’t hit the way it should. “Can I go first?”

Simon nodded.

She smiled nervously, facing him and taking his hand in both of hers. “I got some pretty great news today.”

His brows lifted slightly.

“You know how I asked that company in Salt Lake if they would take me on as a remote worker?”

He nodded. “But I thought they turned you down.”

“They did,” she hurried on, “but they have a sister company that was working out some hiring issues and they sent my information over to them. I guess they were finally able to review my application because they finally got back to me.” Katrina bit down on her lower lip, the surge of excitement returning. “I can’t believe it, but they want me to work for them. From wherever I live.”

His eyes widened.

“I know! This is perfect. I get to stay here, in Rocky Ridge—with my family, and Brianne…” She inched closer, and her voice lowered. “And with you.”

Simon blinked and looked away, his brows coming together. This was it. This was the look she was so concerned about. He didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore. She could already hear his confession in her head.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?” Simon’s voice was low, weak sounding, even. It rasped with that sort of finality that she despised.

“Yes,” she said firmly, still holding tight to his hand. She waited for him to look in her direction before she continued. “I’ve spent my whole life chasing dream after dream without realizing why none of them were fulfilling me the way they should have been. I realized in Salt Lake City that I was chasing the wrong ones.”

Simon’s expression was unreadable. If only she could see a glimmer of something that could ease her troubled heart. Unfortunately, he was holding his cards much too close to his chest.

“We’ve been here for six months, and I don’t have any regrets.” She ducked her head, emphasizing the next word. “Zero.”

Her heart beat like shutters against the house during a raging storm. It thundered and cracked as she drew on what little courage she had left to tell Simon where she stood.

“This place has always been home. I was just too blind to see it. And you were always meant to be mine.” Her voice cracked on the last word as she swallowed back the emotion that threatened to overwhelm her. “I’m not going anywhere, Simon. This is where I’m meant to be.”

Finally, she saw a hint of a smile touch his lips, and a burst of butterflies exploded in her chest. Perhaps she still had a chance.

“Simon, I wanted to ask you something?—”

He held up his free hand. “Don’t.”

She choked back the next few words she was going to say and her whole body went stiff.

“You have always known what you wanted, where you wanted to be, and who you wanted to spend your time with. You were always the brave one, shooting for the stars with everything you did.” Simon placed his hand over the top of hers then looked down at them. “I’ve always admired that about you. You were always the person I wanted to be like.”