The closer he got to the building, the calmer he felt, which was strange. Maybe this was his heart and mind finally coming to an agreement. He was on the right track, and he was going to come out of this on top.


Katrina bither bottom lip as she stood across from her supervisor—the person who’d had the final say in hiring her. Kendall was a great boss. Katrina had nothing against her or anyone at the firm, but she had finally realized that somewhere between losing her job in California and getting the one here in Salt Lake, her priorities had changed.

The hardest part was that this could mean the end of working in this particular industry. There was no way Kendall would give her a good recommendation now. And Katrina couldn’t blame her.

Kendall hadn’t looked up from the document in her hand—the letter of resignation that Katrina had painfully put together late into the night. Katrina knew better than to believe it was taking her this long to read through the whole thing. She’d probably figured out exactly what it was when she’d read the first line.

And still, Kendall was taking her time with a response.

Katrina shifted, fidgeted, and nearly ran from the office. She had never quit a job she liked so much. But since her heart simply wasn’t in it, she couldn’t rationalize staying.

Clearing her throat, she shifted again. “Like I said, I’m so sorry.”

Kendall’s eyes bounced up to meet hers. “Yes, you did say that.”

Great, she was disappointed. Her voice practically dripped with it. Why was it so hard for Katrina to disappoint the people she worked with?

Pushing down that ugly feeling as far as it would go, Katrina forced a smile. “I really did love working here, but it’s not working.”

Her supervisor lifted one brow and put the letter on her desk. When she steepled her fingers, Katrina almost felt like she could see right through her—down to her soul. She knew. She knew that Katrina was giving up a great job for a guy.

Not even a guy!

She was giving up a great job because she wanted thechanceto be with a guy she had no guarantee would even take her back.

But she had to try.

“You know, we have a special program here—one where we will take on remote workers under special circumstances.”

Katrina’s whole body stiffened.

Kendall’s smirk might have grated against Katrina’s nerves if her boss hadn’t just dropped this bomb on her. Remotely working for this company would be the solution to all of her problems. If she could manage that, then she might just get to have everything she ever wanted. Well, as long as Simon would give her a chance.

When Katrina finally found her voice, she blurted, “Is that something you could offer me?”

“Me?” She laughed. “No, it’s above my paygrade. You’re still new, and usually they don’t offer this sort of thing to rookies.”

Katrina’s heart dropped. Why dangle the carrot if it wasn’t something she could do?

“That being said,” Kendall drawled, “I’m sure I could pass this on to my boss with a note that suggests we can’t let you slip through our fingers.”

“You’d do that?” Katrina blurted, stepping forward. She flushed, snapping her mouth shut. “I’m sorry.”

Kendall leaned back in her office chair, making it creak just a little. “Don’t think that I haven’t noticed you’ve been a little distracted.”

Uh-oh. That didn’t sound good.

“But your work is still on par with those who have been working here for at least five years, if not more. The way I see it, keeping you on would be a better investment than looking for someone new.”

“Thank you. I really appreciate your feedback.” While on the outside, Katrina was doing her best at keeping her cool, on the inside she was screaming with joy.

“Of course, there’s no guarantee that they will go for it, but with your latest project and my recommendation, I think you stand a good chance.” Kendall got to her feet and held out the letter of resignation. “I’m sorry to see you go. But before you do anything official, please let me send a few emails.”

Katrina nodded, accepting the document. “I can do that.”

She left the office feeling like she could conquer the world. She turned the corner to her office so quickly that she collided with a tall body, dropping her letter of resignation to the ground.