“Good. Because I really don’t want to have to see him again.”

“What’s so wrong with him?” Brianne moved across her small living room and settled onto the love seat. She curled her legs beneath her, pulling her robe tighter around her. “Seriously, Katrina. I don’t get why you don’t like the guy. He’s actually trying. That’s a lot more than other guys would do. I’d say that’s a sign that you shouldn’t be tossing him aside.”

She stared hard at her cup, prompting Katrina to take a seat beside her.

“There’s nothing wrong with him. He just turned me off when he said my career choice was a joke.”

“To be fair, he said it sounded like a hard market and you should settle for something else.”

“Exactly,” Katrina muttered. “Simon never did that.”

Brianne jumped, launching a pointed finger at her friend. “Ha! I knew there was something going on between you two. I just can’t believe I didn’t see it before.”

Katrina rolled her eyes. “Simon already told me about the date tonight.”

Brianne’s mouth fell open. “What?”

“Yeah, he came over last night.” This time, Katrina’s smile stole across her face, and it was all she could do to contain her giggle.

“He did?”

“Yeah.” She bit down on her lower lip, wishing she knew exactly what Brianne was thinking in this moment. She didn’t know if her friend was on board, which made it incredibly difficult to have this little girl-talk go the way she wanted.

Brianne’s expression was void of any emotion. No irritation, but also no excitement. She’d wanted this—well, not this specifically, but she’d wanted Katrina to find someone who could take her mind off everything that was going on with her job.

Her friend glanced at her and let out a sigh. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

“Most definitely.”

She sighed again. “You can’t know that for sure. What if it fails?”

Katrina shrugged. “Simon and I are adults. It doesn’t have to be messy. We would just go our separate ways.”

Brianne didn’t look convinced. She frowned, looking off at something across the room. “I don’t know that I can agree with that sentiment. You don’t know what he said last night.”

The flutters in her chest returned with a vengeance. Goosebumps erupted all over her body. “Youdon’t know what he said to me last night.”

“Yeah? How about you tell me.” Brianne’s flat voice didn’t instill the kind of encouragement Katrina was looking for.

The wind left her sails just like that and she slumped against the love seat. “If you don’t think this is a good idea, then why did you tell him to go out with me tonight?”

“I never said I didn’t think it would work out. I said I’m not sure you will be able to maintain your friendship based on what I saw last night and what I’m seeing right now. You two are already so close. You’re bound to get closer.”

“That’s sorta the point.”

“Yeah, but when something doesn’t work, you guys are going to get in a fight, and in the end, feelings will be hurt.”

Katrina snorted but her outward reaction was the complete opposite of the unease that had started creeping in. “We’re best friends, Brianne. We’re not going to get in a fight because we already know how to communicate better than most new couples. We have the upper hand.”

“And what if you end up finding a job out of state? You think he’s going to be on board with that?”

She looked away. “I’ve already thought about that. Either he comes with me, or he doesn’t. But that doesn’t mean that we have to fight. We can go our separate ways on good terms.” When she glanced back toward her friend, she already knew what to expect.

Brianne’s look of disbelief was nothing compared to the tendrils of concern she already felt.

No. She wasn’t going to let Brianne’s pessimistic view of things drag her down.

Not today.