Everything up until this point seemed to have been shrouded by a cloud, muddled by the fog. Katrina didn’t even have a chance to make sense of what had happened before Simon waved and headed toward his truck.

“I’ll see you Monday,” he called over his shoulder.

Fury boiled within her. This was the second time she’d been left hanging. All of the anticipation from that last near-kiss had culminated into a massive ball of pain and anger. Was her judgment so bad she’d been reading into everything when it came to Simon? Had she seen signs that were simply not there?

The least he could have done was physically stop her from nearly kissing him rather than walking away. What kind of guy did that?

“I want you to be happy,” she mimicked with sarcasm. “Limbo!” She threw her hands into the air again. “What does that even mean?” She called the words out to everyone and no one. She shouted them at the sky and her frustration continued to grow. “I’m not in limbo. I still plan to get back on my feet. I’m just taking the scenic route.”

She was well aware that she sounded like a crazy person, outside in the dark talking to herself, but she had no one else. Brianne wouldn’t believe her if she said that Simon had been sending her mixed signals. And even if she did, she would probably not approve in the slightest.

Katrina growled and stomped her way into the house. Well, if Simon was going to keep messing with her this way, then he clearly wasn’t interested. She had her answer. She might as well let Brianne find her someone else to go on a date with. Jackson wasn’t a good option, though he could be sweet when he really wanted to be.

What Katrina needed was someone who knew what they wanted and wasn’t afraid to actually do something about it. She had no idea what Simon wanted. And she was done playing games.

She hurried to her room, avoiding any interaction with her family. Pulling out her phone, she dialed her friend.

Brianne answered on the first ring.

“Find someone else for me to go on a date with.”

“What about Jackson?”

“He’s nice and all, but we’re just not clicking. There’s no…” She thought about Simon and the way he could make her feel just by looking at her. She wanted that, but with someone who would help it grow. “Spark. I want a spark.”

There was a pause on the other end of the line. “I know what you mean. Let me see what I can come up with, okay? I’ll get back to you.”

“Great.” Katrina hung up the phone and tossed it onto her bed. After tonight, Simon had better be nicer to her. She was finally going after something that would make her happy.



Simon slammedhis truck door a little too hard, grimacing when the vehicle shook. He paced outside of his house, not ready to feel confined. He was an idiot. That much was clear.

And a coward.

And a bad friend.

And every rotten name in the book.

Katrina deserved so much better. What was holding him back? He’d been so ready to just lay everything out on the table and tell her they should take a chance on being together, no matter the consequences.

But seeing how happy she’d been with Jackson had made him realize she needed someone who could do that for her while still having a friend like him around to reel her in.

He raked his hands through his hair and let out a groan. Something told him that he couldn’t be both. If he crossed the line from friendship to boyfriend, he wouldn’t be able to cross back. So when she clearly wanted him to kiss her, he’d choked.

She didn’t know what she wanted. She’d probably just been caught up in the moment she’d had with Jackson, and it was bleeding into the conversation they were having.

That made a lot more sense than her trying to make something happen between the two of them.

Simon slowed his pacing, allowing his thoughts to mull over the evening and what exactly he was feeling. There was no doubt that he had feelings for her. If Jackson wasn’t an issue, if her dream career wasn’t in jeopardy, then he would have told her about his feelings.

At least, he liked to think he would have.

There was no telling at this point. Looking at his history, he clearly couldn’t handle telling her anything like that. The closest he’d gotten was telling her she deserved better and that he wanted her to be happy.

Worn out from the adrenaline that had brought him here, he settled down on the bottom step. He sat there for a few minutes until a pair of headlights flashed onto his property. There was zero chance this was a good thing. If it was someone he knew, they would have called.