She huffed. “I’m your friend, too. You can tell me stuff like this. Just because I don’t do the ranching thing for a job doesn’t mean I wouldn’t care.” She handed Katrina the reins for her horse and hurried toward him.

He stiffened when she threw her arms around his neck. His eyes drifted to Katrina, locking on her. Those few seconds stretched on for an eternity. Simon would have given anything just to hear her thoughts. Was she relieved? Disappointed? What would she have done if they weren’t interrupted?

All too quickly, Brianne pulled back. “I think we need to have a housewarming party. We can invite as many people as you want. And if you’re lucky, people will get you stuff you actually need.” She frowned, tapping her chin. “Whatdoyou need?”

Behind her, Katrina chuckled. She took the reins of both horses while Brianne drilled him with questions, most of which he had no answers for. Every so often, he’d catch Katrina watching him and his heart would start its dance all over again.


The next few days,Katrina made sure she was up as early as her brothers so she could get what few things they needed help with done. That way, she was ready to head over to Simon’s farm by the time the sun was fully risen.

They hadn’t talked about what had nearly happened in the barn on Tuesday. And the longer she waited for him to bring it up, the more she started to wonder if she’d imagined the whole thing.

Every so often, she’d catch him glancing in her direction, to which she’d just smile and ask him a question about whatever he was working on. She’d never thought that farming equipment could be so interesting.

Okay, it really wasn’t. But there was something about being around Simon. Even if he was only telling her what he’d been learning about on the internet, she enjoyed simply spending time with him. He’d already figured out how to change spark plugs for the tractor, how to troubleshoot the milking machine for the two dozen cows he was now raising, and he was getting involved in anything he could to learn as much as he could.

When Katrina wasn’t at his farm, she was thinking about what they’d talk about when they saw each other again. Those nagging doubts and worries about her future with interior design had faded, allowing her to prioritize the deepening friendships she had with those she’d grown up with.

Throughout the week, Katrina spent most of her time with Simon, coming up with excuses whenever anyone asked where she was going. On the weekends, she’d hang out with Brianne.

Since Simon hadn’t been willing to bring up their near-kiss, Katrina had continued to allow Brianne to set her up with various guys—something that still seemed to rub Simon the wrong way.

They were sitting in the hayloft of the barn at Simon’s place, their legs dangling over the edge, when Simon brought it up again.

“You’re really going on another date with that Jackson guy?”

She leaned back, placing her hands behind her as she lifted her face to the sun shining through the large opening. Keeping her eyes shut, she opted to listen to his breathing or the way he was moving before she answered. Just as she expected, the air seemed cooler somehow as soon as he’d brought it up.

“I guess I’m more of the forgiving type, you know? Just because he didn’t understand my desire to do interior design doesn’t mean he never will.” Katrina peeked at him, finding him staring out at the skyline. “Besides, it’s just a date. It’s not like we’re getting married.”

“Doesheknow that?” Simon muttered.

She held back a laugh. While his moodiness could be irritating at times, today she was feeling particularly patient. “Didn’t Brianne want to set you up on some dates?”

Simon grunted.

“Come on, the girls she knows aren’t that bad. You might as well go out with one of them. You never know. What if there’s someone out there that has been under your nose this entire time?”

There was no way he didn’t pick up on this hint. They’d been spending so much more time together and yet he hadn’t even tried to make another move. Katrina was beginning to feel like there was something wrong with her.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

Her whole body went tight like a stretched-out rubber band, and this time, she looked over to him fully. “Really?”

He didn’t meet her gaze at all. His focus remained trained on something outside. Simon used to be so easy to read—mostly because he was always so happy and smiling all the time. As of late, he’d shown a more irritated side of himself about ten percent of the time, and usually when they started talking about Brianne.

Wait a minute. Was Simon grumpy because of their friend? Perhaps it had nothing to do with Katrina dating at all. “Well, then you should come out with us.”

Finally, Simon stared at her. “What are you talking about?”

“A bunch of us want to go out as a group this weekend. I’m not sure what we’re going to do, but it’s probably going to be more fun than sitting around here all day.” Katrina studied him, watching for any signs that he might be interested. “I could get Brianne to find someone for you to take.” She was reaching again, testing him to see if he was bluffing.

Because while she wasn’t completely positive that he might be interested in her—mostly due to her own self-esteem issues—she also wasn’t completely sure if it was an issue with Brianne or Jackson.

Or maybe both.

Simon shrugged and turned his focus to the window. “There’s a lot of work to do around here. I’m not sure I’d have enough time?—”