Her friend shot her a funny look before glancing toward Simon. She studied him for a moment and nodded almost imperceptibly. The rest of their meal was eaten while chatting about anything that didn’t have to do with relationships or dating. Katrina continued to sneak glances at Simon and resolved to have a private conversation with him when they were alone.

Unfortunately, that didn’t seem likely today.

Brianne grabbed onto Katrina’s arm as soon as they left the restaurant. “Shopping spree.”

Katrina shot another look in Simon’s direction, pleading with him to come up with an excuse, but he wasn’t paying attention. “I don’t think I have time?—”

“Nonsense. We’re all the way out here already. You might as well come to a few shops.” Brianne tugged on her again and Katrina glanced at Simon, who was staring at his phone.

“I came with Simon?—”

“Simon doesn’t mind, do you?” Brianne tugged on Katrina again. “And he’s more than welcome to come with.”

This time he looked up, one brow lifting. “Pass.”

Brianne laughed. “I figured. You’ve never been interested in coming with us when we go shopping.”

“Are you sure you don’t want company for the ride home?” Katrina tried to hint, but Simon had become utterly clueless.

He shook his head. “I need to get back and do a few things before they deliver the cows on Monday.” He didn’t meet her eyes. He continued to stare at his phone until, with one fleeting glance in her general direction, he offered them both a small wave.

“Cows? What’s that about?” Brianne asked.

Katrina gasped. “That’s right. He hasn’t told you yet.”

“Hasn’t told me what?”

“He inherited the dairy farm that Mr. Gregory ran.”

Brianne’s eyes rounded bigger than saucers. She whacked at Katrina playfully. “Why didn’t you guys say something? That’s so exciting for him. Hasn’t he said he always felt like he should be in charge of a farm or something?”

“Actually, he wants to turn it into a horse training business.”

“Wow,” Brianne murmured as she glanced in the direction where Simon had gone. “That’s a lot.”

“I know. But he thinks he can do it.” Katrina sent one more fleeting look toward Simon. “And I think he’ll be able to do it, too. He just needs a little bit of help. He’s gonna ask Daniel for some tips.”

“Well, that’s cool for him.” Brianne’s focus shifted once again to Katrina. “Now, let’s see about finding you something hot.”

Katrina rolled her eyes. “There isn’t a place in town I think Jackson would take me to where I don’t have something to fit the mood.”

Brianne shook her head resolutely. “You need to feel beautiful, too.”

She scoffed. “And you think my wardrobe doesn’t make me feel beautiful? I feel beautiful.”

Her friend wrinkled her nose and they both laughed. “But seriously, you can’t go on a date with him in old jeans and you definitely can’t go in a pantsuit. So let’s find you a dress.” Brianne gasped. “I know the perfect place.”


Three dayssince Katrina had been on a date with Jackson Duncan.

Three whole days and Simon hadn’t seen her or heard an update.

This was bad. It wasreallybad.

Katrina had asked him if she should go on a second date with the guy and he’d been stupid enough to tell her yes. Heck, he’d all but pushed her off the cliff to a waiting cowboy who had everything going for him.

Simon seethed, hating the way his own choices had put him in this situation. Now he was distracted. He didn’t know what he was doing with the dairy farm. Every day, a new roadblock would materialize, and he found himself wishing he had just sold the farm to the highest bidder.