
A buzz zipped through her bloodstream at the sight of Sebastian’s name on her screen.


Close your eyes.

She did as he asked but couldn’t keep the smile from spreading across her face.

Within moments, she felt his arms slide around her waist and she leaned back into his solid strength. She’d never had a home with long-term security and stability. In the circle of Sebastian’s arms, though, she’d found her home.

“How happy?” he murmured at her ear.

Her eyes drifted closed. “Deliriously.”

“Me too,” he said and kissed her temple. “Which got me thinking. We said we’d wait to talk about having another child until Alfie was used to you and the new arrangement.”

She nodded. It had been one of their negotiations about what they wanted from their future. “When everyone else is used to it too, especially Amanda and Barry.”

“And they are inside right now telling everyone that you’re their daughter-in-law. Though there’s some debate, especially among your cousins, about whether you’re actually a daughter-in-law-in-law.”

Mae laced her fingers through his. Ashley’s parents had been grieving a daughter, and Mae had been missing her mother. They’d quickly bonded. Mae had gone from growing up with only a mother and a brother, and then just having a brother, to now also having honorary parents-in-law, her aunt Sarah and Lauren, a sister-in-law in Freya, her mother’s large family, and best of all, Sebastian and Alfie—the loves of her life.

“So,” Sebastian said, “I’m ready.”

The world stilled. She turned in his arms. “You are?”

“Whenever you want to start trying for a little sibling for Alfie, I’m ready.”

She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. A breeze danced around them and the leaves of the shrubbery rustled, and Mae felt completely at peace. She had family and a life here—she had roots—and would never need to run again. And more than that, she had a future.

“I’m ready too,” she said. “But for now, let’s go back to our guests. We’re missing out on all the fun.”

“And the apple pie,” Sebastian said. “Let’s find out if your brother left some for anyone else.”

They stepped out of the gap in the hedge, into their own backyard and their future. Together.

Keep reading for an excerpt fromFalling for the Enemyby Katherine Garbera.


Luxury, scandal, desire—welcome to the lives of the American elite.

Be transported to the worlds of oil barons, family dynasties, moguls and celebrities. Get ready for juicy plot twists, delicious sensuality and intriguing scandal.


Falling for the Enemy

by Katherine Garbera


The Gilbert sister was the key.

Somehow when Kit Palmer referred to his teenage crush, the woman whose life had been ruined by his older brother and a family grudge, it was easier to pretend she was a stranger. Like there was distance between them despite their tragic connections.

If he was brutally honest with himself, he knew that there was no putting distance between Aurora Gilbert and himself. When she, her brother and her cousin moved to Gilbert Manor and he saw her for the first time, he’d fallen.