As he chased his own peak, Sebastian continued his rhythm, and in his moment of release, he called out her name.

When she drifted off to sleep a little later, it was that moment that she replayed in her mind, and she smiled.

Mae woke slowly, stretching catlike before opening her eyes. Spontaneous stays in expensive hotels were one aspect of being rich she could definitely get used to. She rolled over to find Sebastian already awake and sitting up on the bed.

She smiled sleepily. “You’re awake early.”

“I have a toddler,” Sebastian said with an eyebrow quirked. “This is not early.”

As her brain began to engage, she frowned. He was wearing the same shirt and pants from dinner the night before, though they were more rumpled now. “You’re covered in all those clothes.” She slid a hand across his covered stomach. “Can’t say I approve of that.”

He lifted two cups. “I had to put the clothes on to get the coffee.”

“Then I do approve.” She sat up, stretched again, and took the coffee he handed her. He’d brought her a Grande Americano, just as she liked it? “This is an excellent way to start a day. Much better than sneaking you out of Sarah’s apartment at 4:00 a.m.”

“Also better than sneaking out of a family dinner that turned messy.”

She sighed. “I’m so sorry about that. It must have been awful for you.”

“It wasn’t all bad.” He shrugged. “Freya seems great. And I liked Lauren.”

“She was definitely on our side, which surprised me.”

Sebastian sipped his coffee, his gaze thoughtful. “Is there something between Sarah and Lauren?”

“I think there’s a lot between Sarah and Lauren. They’re boss and employee, but most importantly they’re pretty much best friends.” They always seemed in sync with each other, the way long-term friends often were.

He cocked his head to the side. “Nothing more than that?”

“I don’t think so.” She pulled her legs up under the covers so she could wrap her free arm around them. “Why?”

“I just thought I saw a...connection.”

Mae considered it, thinking back over the interactions she’d seen between the two women. “I doubt it. They’ve been friends since before Freya was born, so if there was something there, surely they would have acted on it by now?”

“Maybe,” he said.

“Though that does make me think I should try some matchmaking for Sarah. I love to see people find their person.”

“I’m glad you think that, because I have something to ask.”

“Me too,” she said and took a sip of coffee, savoring the deep, rich taste. “I was thinking about coming into the office again and doing another week.” The week had gone so quickly, and there were a couple of things she hadn’t been able to resolve during that time. Larry Sheridan’s situation was one—she wanted to ensure that he was okay with whatever Bellavista decided to do—and a couple of changes she’d been supporting Rosario in making with the admin staff.

“I have a better plan.” He reached over and took her hand and his gaze became more intense. “We should get married.”

Mae blinked. She hadn’t been awake long, and her brain wasn’t firing on all cylinders yet, but it sounded like he’d just...proposed? That made zero sense.

“This is from left field,” she said carefully. “When did you decide this?”

A frown line appeared between his brows. “Last night your brother accused me of taking advantage of you.”

Mae shot up from under the covers. “Heath saidwhat?”

“It’s okay,” he said, holding up a hand. “Under the circumstances, it wasn’t completely out of line.”

“Yes, it was.” Because of the way she and Heath had grown up, with the two of them and their mother keeping their identities secret, and only being able to rely on each other, they’d all tended to be overinvolved in each other’s lives. And since their mother’s death, when it had become just the two of them, she and Heath had looked out for each other more than most siblings, which could lead to overstepping. It was time to end that. She’d be having a word with her brother in the very near future. Again. “I’m sorry he said that to you. I know it’s not true, and that’s all that matters.”

He swallowed hard and looked down at their joined hands. “Even though it wasn’t my intention, it did start me wondering if I’ve been subconsciously taking advantage of you. I mean, I do have my father’s genes, and that’s what he’d do. But if we get married, it puts us on even footing, which fixes everything.”