You promised. And I’ve decided. I want you. Tonight.
He almost choked, and took another sip of water. He checked the table, but no one seemed to be paying them attention. But then he had a horrible moment of doubt. Surely, she wouldn’t use him to get back at her family? This had to be about more. But he had to check.
Is this because you’re mad at your family?
She leaned over and whispered in his ear, “I want what I asked for before, but more. So much more. I’ve wanted it since we were in your kitchen.” He felt her hand on his side. Clearly, she wasn’t bothering to hide things from the others now, and he had no idea how he felt about that. His cell vibrated again.
Check your jacket pocket.
He slid a hand into his pocket and found the hard, smooth surface of a hotel room key card. He put more effort into keeping a poker face at that moment than he ever had in his business negotiations. When had she even booked a room? His hand was unsteady as he typed on his cell.
Are you seriously doing this?
From the corner of his eye, he saw her smile.
No one ever accused me of being sensible.
With that, Mae stood and gathered her purse from under her chair. “I’m feeling tired, so I’m going to make it an early night. Congratulations again, Freya and Heath. I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to having a sister. Sebastian, would you see me home?”
“Yeah, sure. Thanks for having me tonight,” he said to the others. “It was an honor to be invited.” He pushed his chair out and stood beside her, feeling as if the rug had been ripped out from underneath him. “After you,” he said, mainly because he didn’t know where they were going.
They walked out, side by side, and once they reached the lobby, she took his hand and changed direction, heading for the bank of elevators. And just like that, Sebastian was dizzy with want.
As they neared the door to the room she’d booked, Mae slowed down and tried to catch her breath. Since she knew the room number, she’d been the one leading the way, but it was somehow important that Sebastian be the one to open the door. There was a second card in her purse, but him doing the honors would make this a choice they were making together.
His hand was still wrapped tightly around hers, and when they stopped, he produced the key card from his pocket. He held it aloft for a beat, and when she nodded, he inserted the card, pushed open the door, and held it for her to enter.
A few steps inside, the sound of a soft click from behind told her that the door had been closed, and she turned, hoping he’d dispense with preliminaries like last time. Instead, he stood there, magnificent, his chest rising and falling, with an intensity in his features she didn’t understand.
“Mae, I need to check something. Is this really what you want?” Small frown lines appeared across his brow and he lifted a hand to absently rub at them, before dropping it back to his side again. “Am I really what you want?”
Caught off guard, she almost laughed at how ludicrous the question was, but stopped herself in time. “It was your pocket that I slid the card into.” She’d thought that was a pretty clear signal. “Besides, who else would I want here?”
“It’s...” He blew out a breath. “We had our deal in place—that last time was a one-time-only deal. Then you argue with your brother about me and now here we are.”
“Sebastian, no—”
“I need to know that you want this—” his eyes narrowed, assessing her “—and it’s not you proving something to yourself or whatever.”
That explanation made sense, but was there more to it? She bit down on her lip, thinking it through. Hadhebeen swept away with her putting the card in his pocket and wanting to get out of the dinner...and was he now having second thoughts?
“Sebastian, do you want to be here? You laid out your terms that night at my aunt’s apartment, and I’m the one who’s crossed the line by inviting you here. If you’d rather leave, it’s fine. Honestly.” She tried to emanate I’ll-be-fine vibes, when that was the opposite of how she felt inside, but he deserved have the choice to walk away if he wanted to.
He drew in a shuddering breath. “Mae, I really want to be here. In fact, I’m so far beyond want right now that I can hardly see straight. Which is why I need to know that you do too.”
A weight slid from her shoulders and her body felt as if it were filled with champagne bubbles.He wanted her.Wanted this.
“I paid for this room before Heath was being a jerk,” she said, taking a small step closer.
He cocked his head to the side. “When, exactly?”
“Before you arrived. I got here early and took the room.” She’d come with Sarah and Lauren but had told them to go ahead to the private dining room, taking the chance to sneak over to reception.
His eyebrows shot up. “You had this planned?”
“Not planned, exactly.” Planned sounded too definite. But hoped? Absolutely. “Let’s say I was keeping my options open.”