“There’s nothing between us,” Mae said, but she undermined the statement by putting a reassuring hand on his thigh. Heath didn’t miss the move.

Sarah leaned forward. “Heath, this is hardly the place...”

“I’m okay with it,” Lauren said and took a slug of wine.

“What?” Heath said. “After everything you put me through when I wanted to be with Freya?”

“Freya’s my daughter.” Lauren gave the table an enigmatic smile. “Besides, I’ve mellowed.”

“You have not,” Heath said.

Lauren raised her glass to Seb down the table. “Single parents have to stick together.”

Seb tried to smother a smile, but was unsuccessful, so he simply raised his champagne glass back to her. He knew that would probably infuriate Mae’s brother more, but there weren’t a lot of good options given the circumstances.

Hoping to defuse the situation, Seb pushed his chair back. “If you’ll all excuse me for a minute, I need to find the restroom.”

Before he was even out of earshot, he heard Mae telling Heath to let it go. He blew out a long breath. He’d known coming tonight would be a disaster, but when Mae had said she wanted him here, he’d found that he couldn’t say no. He seemed to have an ongoing issue with his ability to deny Mae Dunstan anything she asked for.

When he was done and walking back through the hotel lobby, he saw Heath waiting for him up ahead and groaned.

Heath stepped into his path and didn’t bother with a greeting. “I don’t know what sort of game you’re playing with my sister.”

Seb sank his hands into his pockets and prayed for strength. “I’m not playing a game.”

Heath took an infinitesimal step forward. “You should know that when my mother found out she was pregnant with Mae, she took me and ran. Changed our names, falsified Mae’s birth certificate, moved countries with us several times, all to keep the two of us safe.”

“I know that,” Seb said, confused. Everyone in the state knew that. His cell in his pocket vibrated but he ignored it—the man in front of him needed all his attention.

“Then,” Heath said, menace in his eyes, “you’ll understand that after all my mother’s efforts to protect her, I’ll bedamnedif I’m going to let you walk into my sister’s life and take advantage of her. It would be dishonoring my mother’s sacrifice if I allowed it.”

Part of him was glad that Mae had someone in her life willing to go to bat for her—except for the short period of his marriage, Seb had never had that, and Mae deserved all the support. The other part wanted to de-escalate the situation, get through the dinner, and go home. His cell vibrated again, and again he ignored it. “I know what she’s been through—”

“You don’t know anything about what we’ve been through,” Heath said, then turned on his heel and strode away.

Seb watched him leave, then rolled his shoulders back, trying to release some tension. His cell vibrated again. He drew it out and found a message from Mae.

Where are you?

Torn, his thumbs hovered over the cell.

Maybe it’s best for everyone if I leave.

The reply was instant.

Is Heath with you?

He almost grinned at how fast her mind went to her brother. She must have suspected what he’d been up to, which also meant there was no point avoiding or sugarcoating the truth.

Not anymore.

I will kill him.

Seb rubbed a hand behind his neck, even less keen to return to the table now that he knew that fratricide was being contemplated. While he was still working out a plan, he saw Mae striding toward him, dragging Heath by the hand.

When she reached him, she dropped her brother’s hand and looked from Heath to Seb, and back again. “What the hell, Heath?”

“I could say the same to you.” He pointed at Seb while keeping his eyes on Mae. “What exactly is going on between you two?”