“Maybe if I had stayed, I would have noticed her distress quicker.” Her voice was muffled against his shirt. “Maybe I could have prevented the respiratory arrest.”
He leaned he leaned back then lifted her face with his index finger beneath her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. His green eyes were full of compassion and understanding. “Brittany needs surgery. Noticing her distress sooner wouldn't have made a difference.”
“But—” she started to protest but he surprised her by lowering his head and covering her mouth with his.
Effectively silencing her.
His mouth was warm and she didn't have the strength to resist. He kissed her gently, as if she were fragile and might break. When she sensed he was easing away she slid her arms around his neck to hang on to the moment for a little longer. For years she dreamed of his kiss, but the reality was so much better than her imagination. Adom tasted wonderful, like a mixture of peppermint and chocolate, two of her favorite flavors.
Finally he looked at his head, breaking off the kiss, breathing deeply. “Krista,” he murmured resting his forehead against hers. “We really need to get back to the unit.”
The unit. She was working. Or supposed to be. She quickly pulled away, knowing she could get into trouble for being there with him. “Yes. You're right. I need to check on Joy.”
“Hang on.” He stopped her when she turned away, reaching for the door. Reluctantly she glanced back at him. “I need to know you're okay. Not just about Brittany, but about what just happened. I—didn't scare you, did I?”
Scare her? Did he really think that she was haunted by the past? Her expression softened. “No, you didn't scare me.”
“Good.” He smiled although she could see uncertainty on his face. “Let's check on Joy.”
She nodded, knowing he was being considerate to come with her. Gathering her scattered thoughts, she tried to ignore the tingling awareness skittering across her nerves.
Hiding her feelings for Adam would be impossible if he ever kissed her like that again.
* * *
Adam heldhis physical response in check as he walked to Joy’s room. He'd kissed her, right in the middle of an empty hospital room. What was he thinking? He should not have forgotten how she'd once been frightened by a man trying to force himself on her. Ending the kiss had taken every ounce of control he possessed, especially when he'd wanted nothing more than to repeat the entire experience again.
He followed her into Joy’s room. Jenny was there, watching over the baby. As Krista hurried forward, he realized his plan to avoid thinking of her as an attractive woman was doomed to fail.
He was attracted to her. No way on earth was he going to stand by and let Austin ask her out. The sooner his brother realized Krista was off limits, the better.
“I'm so sorry.” Jenny cast a worried glance toward him. “I didn't mean for anything to happen to Brittany, I swear.”
“It’s not your fault,” Krista assured her. “Trust me, I've been feeling guilty, too. Adam—er—Dr. Monroe convinced me Brittney’s problem is her pulmonary artery. She needs surgery to fix the constriction. Neither of us could have prevented it. She was probably born with it.” She glanced at him, silently asking for confirmation.
“She was definitely born with it,” he agreed. “Sometimes baby adapt to their environments a little too well. Her artery constriction probably became more of a problem once she grew older and more active.”
“I hope you're right.” Jenny didn't look convinced. “I felt sick the whole time the code team was there. Maybe I'm not cut out to be a pediatric nurse.”
“I had the same thought,” Krista said in a low tone. “But apart from medical emergencies, I love being a pediatric nurse.” He was glad Krista seemed to have shaken off her guilt as she stepped closer to Jenny. “Think about it, does any nurse like seeing their patient take a turn for the worse? Sometimes it happens. It's no reason to give up your career. I think we tend to feel responsible because our patients are young and have their whole lives ahead of them.
“I don't know, maybe you're right.” Jenny's expression lightened as she flashed a lopsided smile. “I just felt so awful, as if I let you down.”
“You didn’t let anyone down.” Krista glanced at him and he nodded encouragingly. “I felt bad, too because I left you short handed to eat lunch.”
Jenny laughed and shook her head. “We're a pair, aren't we? Both taking responsibility for Brittney’s change in condition.”
“Yeah.” Krista smiled at Joy, who was looking brightly around the room. “Thanks for keeping an eye on her for me.”
“You're welcome. This day has flown by, but I'm glad our shift is almost over.” Jenny waved a hand toward the hallway. “While you were transferring Brittany to the pediatric ICU, I gave Gretchen report on Joy. You can go home, unless you have something to add.”
Adam was glad Krista’s grueling shift was over. “Do you know if her auditory results came back yet?”
“I haven't looked for them,” Jenny admitted.
“Don't worry, I'll do it.” He didn't want to keep the nurse longer than necessary. He crossed the room and logged into the chart. Jenny hovered next to him while Krista picked up the baby and nuzzled her.
“Do you have any other questions, Dr. Monroe?” Jenny asked.