Page 94 of Buried Under Ice

“W-we haven’t even found Lane yet.”And she’d said that shelovedOliver.

Only, once again, Oliver hadn’t said those words back to her.

“I know where your brother is.”

Her heartbeat seemed to stutter.“What?”

“You didn’t want him killed, so I made sure people I trusted were going after him.I wasn’t going to let Colby unleash hell in a hospital and risk lives.”

Her head shook.“I don’t understand.”

“I’m good at reading people.And I know Memphis.”

“Memphis?What does he have to do with this?”Her eyes widened.“Wait, you—you sent Memphis after Lane.Did Memphis find him already?Is that what you’re saying?Memphis has my brother?”

“Not exactly.According to the text I just got, I now have confirmation…It’s more like your brother hashim.”


Memphis slammed his shoulder into the door again.Fuck, fuck, fuck, but the thing wouldn’t budge.Made of freaking steel.

I won’t give up.I will just make the bitch open.One way or another.He backed up and started to run—

The door swung open.

Memphis stumbled back.Instantly, he grabbed the dull-ass knife he’d dropped because he needed some kind of weapon.

“Aw, really, gonna use that on your hero?”

Memphis squinted, sure that he had to be mistaken.But, no.No mistake.Midas Monroe stood in the doorway.Filledthe doorway.And grinned at him.

“Guess who just saved the day for you?”Midas boomed.


Midas’s grin stretched.“You’re welcome.”

A ragged groan came from behind Midas.

“I also captured a prison escapee,” Midas continued modestly.“Dragged his sorry ass back inside.Can you believe he tried to run from me?”

“Sonofabitch,” Memphis said again.

A lazy shrug from Midas.“What can I say?All I do is win, win, win.”

Memphis swiped away blood that had trickled down into his eye.

Midas lifted the phone he held.My phone.“Oliver said it would lead us right to you.We just had to track you.”


Eliza pushed past Midas and threw herself into Memphis’s arms.Sweet, sweet Eliza.

“Who’s the hero?”Midas asked again.

Dammit.“You are,” Memphis said.“And I owe you.”

Chapter Seventeen