Page 18 of Buried Under Ice

So did Oliver.After all, he’d interviewed Sia after Amelia Wayne had gone missing.

Lark also knew that Memphis realized exactly who she was, too.

Sia was the waitress who’d told the FBI that Lane had been in Side Strip the same night that Amelia had vanished.Another nail in Lane’s coffin.

“Yep, I’m Sia.What can I do for you?”

Oliver growled.

But Memphis just smiled a truly killer smile.“You remember the guy across from me?”

Her gaze slid to Oliver.She peered toward him with zero recognition on her face.Then shrugged.“Sorry, but I am terrible with faces.”She laughed.“Did we meet before?And it’s super dark in this place, you know.Hard to tell a lot about a person.”

“Fuck,” Oliver rumbled.

“Indeed,” Memphis returned.His hand scraped over his jaw.“You did meet before, actually.You met FBI Special Agent Oliver Foxx—”

“When I questioned you about the disappearance of Amelia Wayne,” Oliver snapped.“When youtoldme that you’d seen a dark-haired, Caucasian male, probably in his late twenties, who kept buying drinks for the women in the bachelorette party.”

Sia jerked back.She also dropped the credit card.Bending swiftly, she scooped it up.“Right.”Too bright.“Now I remember.Sorry.Yes…that was so terrible.Just terrible.”Her gaze darted to the card.“I’ll just run this transaction for you.”

Oliver’s hand flew out and curled around her wrist before she could rush away.“You later picked the man’s photo out of a lineup.”

“He’s guilty,” Sia whispered.“I read online that he had jewelry from those poor ladies in his house.He stole it from them after he killed them.”A shudder slid over her body.“What a twisted freak.He was killing women who looked like his sister.Glad I could stop him.Glad I could send the Feds after his sorry ass even if I…I wasn’t real sure when I first saw the photos.”

The pain came, as it always did when people said those words about Lane.Everyone thought he was guilty.Everyone but me.

And now, maybe…the Ice Breakers.

“You weren’trealsure?”Oliver seemed to be choking.

“You guessed when you saw the photo lineup, didn’t you?”Memphis asked.“Then told yourself to stop feeling guilty once you read the news stories.Had to be the right guy, didn’t it?”

Sia swallowed.Twice.“Damn straight, it was the right guy.Like I said, people were talking online about how he had the jewelry that belonged to those poor women.It washim.”

No, it’s not my brother.

“Now if there is nothing else, I’m running the card.”Sia yanked away from Oliver and practically ran toward the bar.

Lark noticed that Memphis was suddenly studying Oliver with a whole lot of focus.

“What?”Lark demanded when the silence stretched a little too long.

“She won’t ever admit it was a guess.”Memphis pursed his lips.“But we all know it sure as shit was.In one breath, she told us that she can’t ever remember faces.That statement alone will be a defense attorney’s wet dream, and she just made the confession right in front of our friendly FBI agent.”

A defense attorney’s wet dream?Lark would be telling Lane’s lawyer, Holly Ashford, about this development right away.

Memphis pointed at Oliver.“You don’t make mistakes like that one.If a witness is uncertain, you’d see it.And since youdidn’tsee it, I suspect you had one of your junior FBI squad actually get her to do the photo ID’ing.You weren’t there at all.”He shook his head.“Bad.So bad.Sloppy.Because the junior agents are too eager to gain your approval.The case was too big.They’d want it shut down as fast as possible.So fast that they might have even given the witness a little nudge.”

Oliver leaned over the table.“A security camera at the bank half a block away caught footage of Amelia Wayne walking down the road after she left the bachelorette party.Approximately two minutes later, the same camera caught an image of Lane Lawson.That’s no mistake.That’s a fact.”

“True.”Memphis tapped his fingers on the table.“But it also doesn’t prove that Lane was the oneinthis place, buying those drinks.They were paid for in cash, right?”

She knew they had been.Another point in the reports she’d read.The drinks had been purchased in cash—cash that had been long gone by the time the Feds came to investigate.So there had been no chance to investigate by finger printing.Of course, finger printing cash would have probably turned up hundreds of results.

“Lane was following her,” Oliver insisted.

“Or he was just taking a stroll.”Memphis shrugged.“Proximity doesn’t equal guilt.Don’t worry.I plan on talking to the man myself.See what he has to say.I’m pretty good at getting folks to open up to me.”Another shrug.“I think it’s my winning personality.”