Page 17 of Buried Under Ice

As he watched, her fingers slowly unfurled.

And he saw the deep, red indentions that her nails had left on the inside of her palm.So deep that there was even a little blood.

His eyes narrowed.

“If the guy sent you the trophies,” Memphis said, “and if he’s abducting and killing women who look just like you, then we need to start by taking a hard look at your personal life, Lark.”

Lark glanced over at Memphis.

“Got anyone in your life who might be obsessed?”Memphis asked.“An ex who maybe just can’t let the fuck go?”

Great.Fabulous.Oliver exhaled.“That would be me.”Better to just be clear on this point now.He knew how the Ice Breakers operated.They would leave no stone unturned.And they would know about his obsession.If they don’t already.Memphis could be testing me right now.So better to just put the truth out there.

And in response to his confession?

Silence.Absolute silence.

“Only I’m not the killer you’re after.”His attention swung to Memphis.“But I will help you to find the bastard.Provided he exists.”Lark’s brother could have sent the package to her shop.All the evidence still pointed to him as being guilty as sin.


The lovely Lark could be lying.

Oliver would get to the truth, one way or the other.That was his thing.He didn’t stop until the guilty person was locked away.Until the final verdict was delivered.

But I will not risk leaving her unprotected.Just in case…in case he was wrong.In case the wrong man was in a cell.

In case a killer is hunting the only woman I’ve ever loved.

Chapter Two

“Yep, okay, this is probably enough for tonight.It’s a good start.”Memphis had been keeping notes on his phone, but he shoved the device into his pocket.“I’ll want a copy of that video footage you have from the shop.”

Lark tensed.“There isn’t anything useful in the video.Just the package itself.The Feds already have the box.No return label or anything like that are on it.”

“I’d still like to see the footage.”

She swallowed.“Of course, I’ll get it to you right away.”

“And you make sure that you’re staying vigilant at all times, got me?”Memphis pointed at her.“Now that you’re just full-on taunting the creep out there, who knows what the hell he will do?”

Goose bumps rose on her arms, but Lark insisted, “I’d rather he come after me than someone else.”Because she was on her guard.A gun nestled in her small bag, a cross-body bag that had been over her body during their entire chat.She’d been taking the gun to the shooting range every other week, ever since the first brick had come flying in her bedroom window.

“She’s not going to be alone,” Oliver said in that deep, rumbling voice of his.A voice that she’d once thought was like pure sex appeal.“I’ll be with her.”

“The hell you will,” she returned without glancing his way.

“Oh, yes, the hell Iwill,” he said flatly.“You think I’m gonna let you walk alone through the city at this hour?And, really, Memphis, what the fuck?Youhadto pick this place for the meeting?”

“He didn’t pick it.”She liked that her voice didn’t tremble and that she didn’t stutter.“I did.”

“Why would you…?”Oliver started roughly but his words trailed off when the waitress reappeared.

“All virgin drinks?Don’t usually get that from crews in here.”She flashed a sunny smile.Her long, red hair hung in a braid that slid over her right shoulder.“You guys ready for the check?”

“It’s on me.”Memphis smoothly handed over his card.Before she could take it and disappear, he asked… “Sia, wasn’t it?”

That was what the nametag on her left breast said.But Lark had already known the other woman’s name.She’d made a point of learning it while trying to help her brother’s case.Yes, she knew the woman’s name.