Well, to hell with it. I’d barely spoken to anyone all day and I was sure Day had some grand misadventure he wanted to tell me about, anyway. I slid the steak back in the fridge and pulled a clean shirt over my head as I made my way out of the house. I trudged up the steps to the back porch off the kitchen at Moira and Grant’s house, my body shadowed against the soft yellow light pouring through the screen door. I paused at the door, smelling… roast beef. Mashed potatoes, roast beef, and fresh bread. My stomach churned then twisted as a rich, sweet-as-honey voice drifted from the dining room on the other side of the kitchen.

No one heard me come inside, not over the music playing and the lively conversation. Moira beamed up at me, waving me into the dining room with her free hand resting on the enormous swell of her stomach. Day was stuffing his face with mashed potatoes, but Grant wasn’t at the table, his plate was empty.

My heart raced as I slowly looked across the table and saw her.Her. The woman who haunted my dreams. The woman who, in all regards, was the bane of existence and might be my downfall if I wasn’t careful.

“George!” Keely exclaimed, throwing her chair back in her haste to stand. She rushed to me, throwing her arms around me in a tight embrace. I could have sworn I was seeing stars as her scent hit me. Honeysuckle in full bloom after a summer rain. Vanilla, rich and heavy like the smell of the kitchen after a full day of baking. I felt my eyes start to close as I breathed in, her hand pressing into the back of my neck, her fingertips in my hair—No. No—I pulled away, forcing myself to smile tightly and bob my head in greeting to her, praying to God above that I wasn’t blushing like a fool.

“Where’s Grant?” I asked Moira, who shrugged, jabbing her thumb in the direction of the staircase leading up to his office and their many, many bedrooms. This house was too goddamn big, but even as I quickly put distance between myself and Keely, I felt like there wasn’t enough space in the universe to stop the thrumming in my heart and body over the fact that she’s here.

I didn’t look at her as I walked away but I could feel the hurt radiating off her. I hated it.

“Grant!” I knocked on his office door, shoving it open. He looked up from his laptop, brow furrowed.

“What’s the matter?” he asked as he rose from his chair and closed the laptop. “Is something—”

“What is Keely Greenway doing here?” I practically growled.

Grant’s brow shot up, one of them arching as he fought back a smile. “I thought you’d be pleased—”

“Are you trying to get me killed?”

“Are you finally going to admit you have a thing for her?”

“I don’t,” I said firmly, swallowing back the fury ripping through my body. “Why is she here?”

“She’s going to be working here for the summer.”

“What? Why? She doesn’t have any ranch experience—”

“She’ll be out of your way, George. She’s going to be helping Moira out around the house. Moira is supposed to be in bed most of the day now, until she delivers. I needed help.”

The fury began to lessen as I looked over at Grant and noticed the lines of sorrow and concern etched into his expression. They’d tried so hard for this baby. Lost a pregnancy pretty early on before getting pregnant with this one, a daughter, who was due in roughly two months. Now Moira was having complications. I didn’t know exactly what was wrong. I hadn’t asked. It wasn’t my place.

“Did you and Keely…” Grant trailed off, running his fingers through his hair.

I knew what he was alluding to. I shook my head, tucking my hands in my pockets. No, we hadn’t had sex. We hadn’t even kissed. But we’d gone through hell together the night Moira’s ex broke into Grant’s house and nearly killed her. We’d sat on my couch, holding a very confused and traumatized Day between us and praying in the aftermath. I’d knitted my fingers in hers, finding comfort there.

Then we’d danced at their barbeque, and I’d known then I was on the cusp of falling head-over-heels for her.

So, I walked away. She left, going to California from what I heard.

We hadn’t spoken again until she said my name downstairs just a few minutes ago. Now what was I supposed to do?

“She won’t be in your way,” Grant repeated, but his voice was full of sympathy.

Her being here was already in my way. Her being here, in my sight, on the same property was entirelyin my way.

“I left my stove on,” I lied and walked away, straight down the stairs and out the front door to avoid having to walk past Moira and Keely. I could feel Grant’s eyes on my back. I knew what kind of look he was giving me.

He wouldn’t understand. He didn’t know Pete like I did. He didn’t know the backstory about the Greenway siblings.

I wasn’t about to put myself between them. And that had to be that. If I spent too much thinking about Keely, my entire life would go off the rails.



Ipursed my lips as I watched George storm out of the house through the front door, confident in the fact he thought we hadn’t seen him leave. Moira let out a breath and made a popping sound of disapproval with her mouth as I turned to meet her eyes and shrug.