But he did. I knew he did.
Grant came back into the kitchen. I could hear his ragged breaths over my own racing heart as he asked, “What the hell just happened?”
“Pete saw us… Kissing,” I said as levelly as possible. Moira relaxed her hold on me and I straightened up, looking at Grant over his shoulder. “George told him to leave.”
“Good,” Grant said, swallowing hard before pulling his phone out of his pocket.
“What are you doing?” I asked quickly. Moira stepped to the side and I moved in on Grant. “Pete won’t hurt—He wouldn’t—”
“I’m not calling the police, if that’s what you’re asking,” he said flatly. He glanced through the screen door, squinting, before he continued, “I’m calling Randy.”
Ignoring me, Grant went back outside, cursing under his breath.
“Where did they go?” I asked Moira but she shook her head, looking a little pale. She leaned against the counter with her hand pressed to her belly as she looked out the kitchen window.
It was raining in earnest now, each drop pounding the glass. Dark clouds swirled over the ranch, casting everything in an eerie green and blue glow.
There were tornadoes here sometimes. Never big enough to cause any real damage but the storms that preceded them were legendary. I felt an electric current settle through the room.
Grant came back in. He seemed like he had no idea what exactly he needed to be doing right now.
It was Moira who spoke, her voice soft and level, “Let them sort this out. I’ll go get the first aid kit.”
Pete’s truck peeled out of the driveway and hauled ass down the long dirt road leading off the property. I watched him go as my blood boiled. Hearing him talk to Keely like that… what he’d said to her?
He was my best friend. I thought I knew him. I couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth.
I stood in the rain for a moment before walking back to the big house. Grant came out onto the porch, his face shadowed by his hat.
“Why was he here?” Grant asked.
I shook my head, waving a hand in dismissal. “I don’t know, but the timing couldn’t have been fucking worse.”
“Why haven’t you told him yet—”
“Because that’s Keely’s decision—”
“George, for the love of God!” Grant stomped down the steps and came to a stop a few feet from me, his arms crossed over his chest. “What are you going to do?”
“I have to talk to him now, obviously,” I ground out, reaching up to scratch my chin. Rain was soaking through my clothes as I pondered the situation. “I sure as hell don’t want Keely getting anywhere near him right now. How long were you in the house?”
“We walked in the front door just in time to hear him spew venom at Keely.”
“Then you understand what needs to happen now,” I said through gritted teeth.
Grant only nodded but didn’t change his stance. “What do you need me to do?”
“Keep Keely busy and out of this until I have it handled.”
“Moira got the first aid kit out and is organizing it,” Grant said, rolling his lip between his teeth. “Think you’ll need it?”
“I’m trying to avoid that at all costs, Grant. This is Pete. He’s not a fucking monster even though he sure as hell is acting like one.” My fists curled at my sides at the thought of what he’d said to Keely. I could’ve killed him for that. “He’ll be back. I’m going to start getting some work done.”