Page 76 of Big Sky Billionaire

I climbed on, holding onto his mane as he ripped forward in a full sprint before I was fully on his back.

Two more shots rang out.

“Go!” I shouted, panic clouding my mind as adrenaline took over. The house was pretty far away, but we were racing there, King jumping over every obstacle in our path.

But then he slowed, whinnying and stomping his feet as something, or someone came running toward us.

I heard Day’s sobs before he came into view. I fought back tears myself as I nudged King forward at a much slower pace, my heart skipping a beat as relief washed over me.

Day and Jenny were walking side by side, Day clutching her behind the neck as she led him through the dark. Her ears perked up as she saw us approaching, and she barked several times, which caused Day to finally look in our direction.

I rode up to them and scooped him up into my lap, wrapping an arm around him.

I couldn’t understand a word he was saying through his sobs as I rode toward the house, Jenny running behind us.

I felt like I wasn’t in control of my body anymore. Panic and grief and desperate hope fought for control as we neared the house. I wasn’t sure what I was going to find, or who those shots had been meant for.

I just knew, with every fiber of my being, that Kirk had found Moira.

And if she was dead, she’d had time to get Day out of the house to find me.

I closed my eyes for a just a moment, seeing nothing but her face as I choked on my own breath.

Not her. Oh, God, please. Not Moira.

I opened my eyes again, nudging King into a sprint as we climbed the last hill toward the house. We passed the warehouses and stables in a blur, and King came to an abrupt stop in front of the house, where Carter and Lance were just coming down the back steps.

“Mama?” Day sobbed, shaking in my arms.

“She’s okay,” Lance said firmly, and I felt myself nearly collapse with relief. “We were just coming out to find you, Holliday.”

I held Day tighter, pursing my lips together to stop myself from crying out with thanks.

Carter took Day from me so I could get off King’s back.

I immediately crouched in front of Day, taking his face between my hands. “Did you hear what Lance said? Your mom’s okay.”

Day was still choking on his sobs as I used my thumbs to wipe his tears.

“We’re okay,” I said firmly. “You were very brave and tough, Holliday. I’m proud of you for running as far as you did for help.”

He hummed, unable to respond to me as he fought to catch his breath.

I looked up at Lance and Carter. “Is Kirk inside?” I asked, giving them a look that silently asked if the son-of-a-bitch was still alive.

Lance nodded, looking grave.

I rose to my full height, putting my hand over Day’s shoulder.

“Call George for me, have him meet me here,” I commanded to the men standing before me. I squeezed Day’s shoulder, looking down at him as he wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my shirt.

Guilt and shame washed over me. I hadn’t been there to protect them. I should have been.

Was this life really what Moira, and especially Day, needed? A man so tied to his land that his own family suffered?

I ran my fingers through Day’s hair. I couldn’t step away from him, not yet. Not until he calmed down enough to feel safe in the presence of men he barely knew.

But Moira and Henry were inside… with Kirk.