“Moira hasn’t said anything to you about it? Like, what happened to spur all of this?”
“I haven’t pushed her to explain, no.”
“Well, someone is sniffing around and this guy looked like he meant business, so I’d get the truth now.”
“Send me the video,” I said, then hung up the phone, my heart hammering in my chest as I walked over to where Moira was sitting.
Moira looked up at me as I approached, shielding her eyes from the sun.
“Hey.” She smiled, and it fucking killed me to see her looking so happy.
“I just got off the phone with Pete,” I said in a low, hoarse whisper so Day didn’t overhear. “We need to talk.”
“About what?” she asked with a chuckle as she sat up.
King grunted—unhappy his human was no longer touching him. The thought of this guy coming here, to my home, and threatening my woman and her child had me on the edge of ripping the world apart… but the image of King being let loose on the guy had a soft smile tingling the corner of my mouth as I sat down beside her.
“Someone came into the bar asking about you and Day,” I said with all the strength I could muster. My heart cracked as her face fell, her eyes shining with sudden fear. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Either of you. But we need to talk about this now.”
She turned to Day, who was stomping around in the mud, totally oblivious.
“Not with him around.”
“Because I don’t want him to know—”
“If this guy shows up, he’s not coming for a friendly visit—”
“I know that, Grant,” she hissed, crossing her arms over her stomach. “I know, okay. This isn’t the first time this has happened. He has friends, connections… even while he was in prison, he knew how to find us. He tracked us everywhere we went. I’m not surprised he’s done so again now.”
“Pete is sending me the video from the bar. Would you be able to recognize if it were him or one of his acquaintances?”
She looked thoughtful at that, her eyes glued to something in the distance.
“Yeah,” she said, and said nothing further.
“I know you want to know what happened to us, but I can’t… not right now. Not while Day is here. I’ll tell you everything, just like I said I would.”
“If Day’s dad is in town looking for you two, we don’t have any time to get to the bottom of it and alert the sheriff. He’s supposed to have an ankle monitor, right? He can’t just—”
“My dad?”
Day was standing in front of us, creek water dripping from his cuffed overalls. He looked at his mom, wide-eyed and pale.
“But he went away—”
“Day, it’s all right—”
“He went away to the place where bad people go because he’s bad. Why is he here?”
Shit, shit, shit,shit—
“How’d you know that?” Moira said sharply, panic etched into the corners of her eyes.