Grant’s flirty, borderline sexy text message from early in the morning had me reeling. I wasn’t sure what I was walking into now. Despite it being the first time I’d ever left Day with anyone other than my parents, I was feeling fine, which was a surprise. I could trust Grant with Day.
I wasn’t sure I could trust myself around Grant, however.
I walked into the house, kicking off my sandals as I peered around the empty living room. It was hot as hell in the house, and I realized Grant probably didn’t have AC. It was Montana, after all. I was sure it was cold as hell all winter long, and this sudden heat wave was a fluke.
Still, I padded around the house looking for Day and Grant, even Jenny, and found nothing but the extreme fort they’d built in the living room and Hammy in his Critter Carrier in a cool corner of the room within range of a fan.
But then I heard Day squeal, and I turned to the kitchen.
The back door was open, another fan situated to bring in whatever cool air could be found outside. Day sprinted past the door just beyond the back steps, a shrill, ear-piercing scream following in his wake.
I ran, my chest frozen with panic, but skidded to a stop on the back porch as Grant sprinted by in nothing but a pair of shorts that were soaked and clinging to his thighs.
He had a hose in his hand, his thumb pressed to the water flow to send a sharp spray of water toward Day, who was running for his life.
“Hey!” I hollered in relief, laughing as I watched the chaos unfold. But I’d startled Grant, who turned to me wide-eyed and dripping wet, and sprayed me smartly with the hose. “Hey!” I screeched as he dropped the hose, and an apologetic look on his face.
His mouth curved into a boyish smile as he ran his fingers through his sopping wet hair.
Time stood still as I took him in—all of him. It was kind of hard not to when he was glistening in the fucking sun like statue carved out of marble, every muscle on display.
He was thick. Yeah. Thick, and I meaneverywhere.
Fuck my life.
“Mama!” Day screamed as he ran to me, his arms wide as he slammed into me for a wet hug. He was wearing one of Grant’s shirts, which hit him just below the knees.
“What thehellare you guys doing?”
“I broke the sprinkler,” Day admitted with a shrug, his arms still wrapped around my waist as he turned to Grant.
“He took it apart, actually,” Grant amended, giving Day a look. “I’m kind of impressed.”
“Oh… I forgot to mentionthat.” I grimaced, ruffling Day’s wet hair. Day liked to take things apart under the guise of figuring out how they worked, but a microwave and vacuum cleaner had fallen victim to his experiments, and so far, putting things back together wasn’t included in those games.
“And then I sprayed him with the hose,” Day continued.
“Yeah, you did.” Grant laughed, then bent with his hands on his knees and shook his head like a dog, water spraying. “It felt nice though, so we kept at it.”
“I sprayed George,” Day whispered, giggling. “He didn’t like it though.”
I peered into the distance where George was mending a length of the paddock, his shirt and jeans darkened with moisture.
“You little devil.” I grinned, bending down to kiss him on the top of the head.
“You’re just in time for dinner,” Grant said just as Day let go of my waist and hopped off the porch.
I watched him sprint away, disappearing behind one of the barns.
“Where is he going?”
“Looking for snakes, probably—”
“Snakes? Grant—”
“Let the kid be a kid, Moira. He’ll be asleep within the hour, I guarantee it. I ran him ragged today.”
He walked into the kitchen, grinning slyly as he purposefully brushed his soaking wet body against me on his way through the door. I bit my lip, trying not to stare at the way his wet shorts clung to his ass and his thick, muscular thighs.