Page 50 of Big Sky Billionaire

He stepped forward, closing the distance between us. “You should know by now that I’m not a trivial man, Moira. I don’t play games.”

“I don’t know what you want from me—”

“I want all of you, every day, for the rest of my fucking life.”

His hand brushed over my cheek and along my jaw. I was fighting back tears, letting my conflicting feelings rip me to shreds from the inside out.

“You’ve never let yourself have anything for the sake of Day.”

“I can’t—”

His phone rang, buzzing incessantly in his pocket. He cursed, pulling away from me and answering it gruffly.

“What is it?” I dared to ask, noticing the change in his expression as he hung up.

“We’re going out of town tomorrow, all three of us. We’ll take about this later.”

He put his phone in his pocket and roughly grabbed his beer off the counter, his eyes still locked on mine.

“Think about what I said,” he said in a gruff whisper, then walked away.



I’d known the cattle auction was coming up, but I’d expected to only be gone for the weekend. Finding out the auction for the older horses, those too old and frail to be used for the jobs they’d done for the course of their lives, had been moved up to Thursday put the rest of my week’s plans on hold.

I had to be there for it. George and I spent the rest of Wednesday evening going over the plan, what horses we wanted and how many cattle to buy as the auction bled into the weekend. I’d go with Moira and Day to the horse auctions, while George would attend the weekend auction, buying the dozen or so head of cattle we’d been looking to purchase for a few weeks now.

Moira didn’t protest coming with us, especially with Jeff keeping the project going on at the ranch on lock. She simply loaded a very tired Day into the backseat of my truck before the sun came up on Thursday morning and hopped into the front seat next to me, wordlessly sipping her coffee for the first thirty minutes of the three-hour drive.

Our heated conversation the night before had been cut short far too soon. When I’d realized things were getting heated between us after that first kiss weeks ago, I knew there was much to overcome.

It only made me want to know more about her previous relationship and what kind of scars she carried from it. I’d never met a woman more guarded in my life.

I couldn’t convince her to stay. I couldn’t convince her to trust me, either.

But she could. I just wished there was a way to show her that, a way she’d believe without a shadow of a doubt.

“How many horses are we going to bring home?” Day peeped from the backseat.

I smiled, my heart warming at the fact that he’d usedwe,like this was group effort.

“As many as I want,” I answered, shifting gears as we moved at a steady but fast pace down the highway. The auction was taking place in some small town just outside of Bozeman, and I wanted to make this a day trip if I could. I hated the idea of having to put Moira and Day up in some sleezy truck stop motel for the night, so I was hauling ass to get there.

“What do you need the horses for?” Moira asked.

I smiled again, letting out the breath I was holding at the thought she wasn’t going to speak to me the entire trip.

“Let them live out the rest of their lives at the ranch. I have the room for it. Seems like a waste to have them sent to the glue factory just because they’re old.”

“Why would horses need to go work at glue factory?” Day asked.

I winced, glancing at Moira, who was grimacing as she met my eyes.

“They go there to play,” I lied. “But they’ll have more fun at my place, like you.”

Day seemed to accept this, and Moira let out her breath, chuckling a little.