Page 96 of Lawless

For five years I’ve been dreaming of the way Mav would handle me.

I knew gentle would be his go-to. All he’s ever tried to do is protect me. But I knew there was more to him than that.

I’ve heard the stories about his past; I knew what he was capable of. I was just never able to find a way to make him turn it on me.

Until our time in that cabin.

It held the promise of so much. Of a future filled with everything I’d hoped we could be together. Until it was cut short by the monsters who are set on ruining my life.

I often used to wonder why they didn’t just kill me when I was younger. I always thought they’d want me dead to keep their secrets, instead of risking me being out in the wild. Turns out, killing me would have been too easy.

Where’s the fun in chasing a dead girl when you can torture one who is very much alive?

“Mav?” I whimper, having successfully pulled myself out of any happy memories.

“Yeah,” he croaks. It’s all I need to know that he’s in agony.

A sob rips from my throat as I remember them taunting him with it not being the first time. And all because of me.

I wasn’t naïve. I knew when we announced our marriage and my sudden appearance that he was putting himself at risk.

Victor and my father weren’t going to take it lying down, of that I was sure. But as far as I was aware, nothing came of it.

Apparently, I was very, very wrong.

“I’m okay,” he croaks.

“I wish I could see you,” I whisper, although the second the words are out of my lips, I regret them. If I could see the extent of his injuries, then the chances are I would be worrying about him even more than I am now.

“We’re going to get out of this,” he promises.

“I know,” I say weakly, unsure if I actually believe him.

If he’s right and Reid can track us, then why isn’t he here?

Why aren’t those sick pricks dead and why aren’t we on our way back to his house where we’ll be safe?

Wrapping my aching arms tighter around myself, I try to imagine it’s one of their arms—all of their arms—holding me, protecting me, promising me that everything is going to be okay.

A pained sigh spills from my lips as the silence presses in on me.

“I love you,” he whispers, making my sobs worse.

I’ve no idea how much time passes, or even how long we’ve been here. The cold, dark minutes are endless.

Every time there’s any kind of noise, my entire body startles in fright that they’re going to come back and hurt me, or worse, hurt Mav more than they already have.

If it means saving him, I’ll offer up anything I have.

I’d do anything for him after what he’s done for me.

The violent shivers ripping through my body never cease and the empty pit in my stomach only grows.

My mouth is dry, my need for water is unbearable.

If they don’t bring us something soon, I’m pretty sure we’re going to be verging on dangerous levels of dehydration.

And then there is Mav’s blood loss.