Page 10 of Lawless

He might not have appeared to care that Alana was gone. But we’d all be naïve to believe that. She was working for him, so he must have a need for her. Surely he wasn’t just employing her to piss off Mav.

But does he care that she’s gone? Or, has he just pulled another girl in off the street as a replacement?

Is she completely disposable like almost everyone is to Victor Harris, or does he secretly need her back?

And what about Mav? Victor openly said while he was sitting on my couch that he’d happily replace Mav if he didn’t fulfill his role within the organization. Did he mean that?

A million and one questions spin around my head as I make my way up the stairs. The steps creak and crack in a way I’m all too familiar with as I approach the top. It’s just another feature of this old house that I love.

Pausing at two closed doors, I look between them, my need to check in almost too much to bear.

I bailed earlier. After my brief, yet heated conversation with Mav, I was out the door.

I didn’t know what else to do. Hanging around wasn’t going to fix anything.

If Victor knew, then it was too late.

We had to act. And we had to do something fast.

If he finds out everything I’ve been doing before I’m ready, all of us are as good as dead.

I just need all the pieces I’ve been carving to fall into place at just the right time, and I’ll finally get to discover if it was all enough.

Or if all this planning, all this hope, was for nothing.

Forcing my legs to keep moving, I walk into my bedroom and immediately strip my clothes off, and step into the shower.

As the water rains down on me, I lift my hand, studying the healing cuts that Alana cleaned for me a few days ago.

My heart begins to race as I think about her gentle touch that day despite her anger.

Most others would probably have let me bleed to death after everything I’d done.

But she didn’t.

She forced me to sit there and tortured me with her proximity and sweet scent.

To be fair, that was probably exactly why she did it.

She knew the effect she had on me down in my office. There wasn’t exactly anything discreet about the way my dick was trying to bust out of my pants as I pinned her against the wall.

I should have been stronger. I should have pushed her away when she came to find me.

A humorless laugh tumbles from my lips.

That one moment of weakness is the least of the things I shouldn’t have done since I locked Alana up in my basement.

Ignoring my semi that’s been woken up by memories of those few minutes in my office, I clean up before falling into my bed, my skin still a little damp.

I’m exhausted, but I already know I’m not going to fall asleep. My body might need the rest, but my head is spinning.

There are too many moving parts in this whole plan. I’m putting too much trust in untrustworthy cunts. Any of them could be double-crossing me. Promising me that they’re with me, all the while promising their allegiance to my father.

I knew the risks when I first embarked on this takeover plan. But I decided they were worth it.

Someone has to do something about my father’s reign of terror. And I’m pretty sure there isn’t anyone else out there with the skills or allies—hopefully—to make it happen.

The only positive about it all failing is that I won’t be here to witness it.