Page 86 of Lawless

I half expect Alana to say something the second JD is mentioned, but she remains silent.

“Sure. You keep thinking that. I’d be looking over my shoulder though, if I were you.”

No one replies and I imagine them looking at each other and shaking their massive egotistical heads.

They think they’re so untouchable.

They might have been up until this point.

But their reign is coming to an end, whether they want to believe it or not.

I might not be the one to do it. Hell, right now I’m not even sure if I’ll be around to tell the tale, but I have every confidence in Reid.

He will overpower these cunts and he will take control. I never thought I’d say it, but I can’t fucking wait.

“How are you doing in there, princess?” Dad asks, turning his attention to Alana.

She snarls at him.

“Bit cramped, I’d imagine,” Kurt muses. “Would you like us to let you out?”

“Get the hell away from her,” I bark.

“So touchy, your husband,” Victor taunts before his cell starts ringing again. “Ah, that is our time up, gentlemen,” he says, commanding his minions. “Don’t worry, though, kids. We’ll be back soon. Try not to miss us too much.”

With a few more taunts aimed to rile me up enough to cause myself more damage, they finally make their way out, ensuring the door slams loud enough that it echoes ominously for long seconds after they’ve left.

“Mav,” Alana cries the second she’s confident we’re alone.

Hanging my head, I finally let myself fully experience the pain they’ve inflicted on my body.

My back is ruined. I don’t need to see it to know that my skin is ripped to shreds and I’m losing enough blood to have the floor beneath my feet slick.

“I’m okay,” I say after sucking in a deep breath, which I regret instantly. The pain only intensifies as my ribs inflate.

Keeping my eyes closed, I fight my need to spin around and look at her.

As much as I don’t want her to focus on my back, I’m not sure I can handle seeing her in that cage.

Watching them put her passed-out body in there was bad enough. They ensured I watched every second they had their hands on her.

I was terrified they were going to take it further, but thankfully, they didn’t. I don’t believe that’s because they have any kind of morals though. They’re biding their time. Building up the punishment.

They’ll start with my body before they turn on my head.

Unable to keep myself from her, I gingerly spin around, wincing with every movement.

Despite knowing exactly what I’m about to find, the sight of her all curled up and behind bars still takes my breath away.

A sob rips from her throat the second our eyes collide.

“I’m so sorry,” she whimpers.

“Not your fault, Doll.”

“I never should have said yes; I never should have stayed and put you at risk like I have.”

Tears continue to cascade down her cheeks as she stares up at me, her bottom lip trembling.