Page 85 of Lawless

“Afternoon, precious,” Victor says, his voice lighter than I’m used to. It sends a wave of revulsion rushing through me to think that he’s ever used it on Alana. “Oh, you are a needy little thing, aren’t you?”

Bile swirls in my gut as we’re all forced to listen to him speak to what I can only hope isn’t a young girl.

Swallowing is almost as painful as my back when I try to force the acid back down.

I’ve no idea how long we’ve been here. But I’m dying for a drink, for food. For my arms to be lower than my head.

It’s been a long time since I felt my fingers, and I can only imagine how deep the lacerations around my wrists go. I’ve had blood trickling down my forearms for hours.

I might not have been able to see it as we were forced to be here in the dark, but I felt it. I felt the unforgivable metal cutting into my skin, causing what I can only assume will be lasting damage to my muscles and nerves.

Fighting as hard as I can, I try to curl my fists, to know that I’ve still got some kind of control of my fingers. But I don’t think anything happens.

“Oh, I’m more than interested in that. Name the time and the place, precious.” Victor falls silent for a few seconds, giving us a little reprieve from the vomit-inducing show he’s putting on. “You got it. I’ll be ready.”

“She got a friend?” Dad asks when Victor must have hung up.

He chuckles. “Not that I’m aware of. And anyway, she’s too fucking good for the likes of you.”

“She must be special if Vicious isn’t willing to share,” Kurt adds. “She’s obviously better than you, eh, kid? He never had an issue sharing you.”

“ENOUGH,” I roar, able to find my voice when my girl needs it.

Kurt laughs darkly.

“She really has you wrapped around her little finger, doesn’t she? She was good, sure, but never that good.”

Putting every bit of strength I have into it, I try ripping my bindings from the hook they have me hanging from.

But unsurprisingly, all I achieve is more pain while the three cunts behind me get off on my pathetic attempt to free myself.

“Come on now, Mav. Your wife needs a real man, not a pussy who can’t even look after himself.”

“Fuck you,” I roar, spittle flying from my lips as my body trembles, my fight or flight response on overdrive.

“We’re not really interested in you, Mav. Your wife though…” Victor says darkly.

Sucking in a deep breath, I try not to allow his words to affect me. But it’s impossible.

“We’re going to fucking kill you,” I seethe. “All of you. The last faces you’ll see will be ours, and you’re going to feel every second of the pain you’ve unleashed on us since the days we were unlucky enough to be born to corrupt, sick bastards like you.”

I expect some kind of heated reply. But all I get is laughter.

Full on, funniest thing you’ve heard all week kind of laughter.

“Sure you are,” Dad finally says. “Is that before or after you figure out how to create magic and get yourself out of that situation?”

“It’s going to happen,” I warn. “Mark my fucking words.”

Victor tuts and it makes the hairs on the back of my neck rise. “He thinks his new friend is coming for him,” he taunts.

“Ah,” Kurt says. “The mighty Reid Harris. That’s what everyone thinks, isn’t it?”

“He is only what I made him.” Victor scoffs.

“He’s not coming for you,” Dad adds. “He doesn’t care about you.”

“And your wife is only a pussy for him to fuck. To share with his trusty sidekick.”