Page 5 of Lawless

Holding her tighter still, I press my nose against the top of her head and breathe her in.

My need for her is at an all-time high right now. Despite the current situation and the fear for her safety, desire thrums just beneath my skin.

I used to think it was bad before, but now I’ve had a taste of her, and watched her in action with JD… well, it’s borderline obsessive.

Sheila drives like a bat out of hell toward our first stop. It’s not necessary, I’m pretty confident we got out unseen, and the roads are deserted, but it seems she enjoys pulling on her Penelope Pitstop mask and putting the pedal to the metal.

Before long, the bright yellow sign for the motel I agreed to let her out at looms ahead. With a sigh of what I can only assume is disappointment, she slows the car and turns into the entrance.

“We’re staying here?” Alana asks, nervously looking out the window. “Isn’t it… a little close?”

I guess she understands that we’re running then. Not that the black clothing and midnight dash covered that up very well.

“We’re just letting the getaway driver out,” I say lightly as Sheila pulls into a space and kills the engine.

“Oh,” Alana breathes. I can’t tell if she’s relieved or disappointed.

“And lucky for me, I’ve got a friend waiting in room number nine,” Sheila teases with a wide grin on her face.

I just shake my head, more than aware of what she’s like while Alana blurts, “What?”

Sheila’s eyes meet my wife’s in the rearview mirror before she states, “I’ve got a child-free night, dear. You didn’t think I was going to make myself a hot cocoa and go to bed early, did you?”

Alana’s mouth opens and closes. She knows Sheila pretty well, but clearly, not this well.

“Is that what you would do?” Sheila taunts, fully aware of what Alana has been up to behind my back.

My stomach knots as the reality of all that hits me full force.

But my anger, my jealousy over it all is pointless.

The only person she’s slept with willingly has been JD, and as much as that betrayal stings, I also understand it.

Maybe if I hadn’t seen them together, I wouldn’t. But for some fucked-up reason, I get it. The way she needed him while she was kept as their prisoner. Hell, even the way she’s needed him since.

It’s just proven to me that I was a stupid fucking asshole for the way I’ve kept her at arm’s length all this time.

I thought I was protecting her, stopping her from having to endure all the pain of the past by holding back. Keeping myself from being just another one of those men in her eyes.

But seeing her with him, hell, even with me over the past few days, I’ve learned things about my wife I never knew. Things that make my dick swell in my pants despite our present company and the air of uncertainty around our lives right now.

“Uhh…” Alana starts but Sheila tuts, shaking her head. “I know you well enough to know that’s not what you’d do, missy.”

“Now,” she starts. “The two of you get the hell out of here and get yourselves safe. We all need you alive, you hear me?”

I nod, feeling like a child being chastised by my grandmother while Alana agrees.

“I’ll look forward to hearing the good news and finding you at my door in a few days.”

“Might be a little optimistic,” I mutter, dread sitting heavy in my gut.

“Well, you know me,” she says, forcing a smile.

“Go and have your fun,” I encourage.

“Oh, I will. Christian does this thing where he—”

“Go, please,” I beg while Alana’s body trembles with silent laughter.