Page 34 of Lawless

His lips close and he swallows, his eyes searching mine for a lie.

“You’ve just… Shit, Doll.” His hand trembles against me and I swear he stopped breathing.

“All of it. I’m already fucked up; I promise you can’t make me any worse.”

It’s meant to be a joke, but the way his eyes blaze with fire, I realize it missed its mark.

“One step at a time, yeah,” he says, rolling onto his back and dragging me with him, letting me take my fill of him and ride him until we’re both sweaty and falling into powerful releases.



The moment I walked out of arrivals, I clocked the man who was waiting for me.

He wasn’t dressed up, or even obviously packing, but there was a glint in his eye as he casually scanned the steady flow of people who’d just walked through customs, granting them entry to Mexico. I doubt anyone else around me notices it. They’re all either too excited to embark on their vacations or relieved to be home with loved ones.

Despite my need to sigh in frustration, I keep my expression hard and neutral as I walk toward him. My muscles ache and my jaw hurts from grinding my teeth in impatience during the flight.

I’m sure anyone else would have gotten some sleep. But there was no fucking chance of that happening. I had no idea who was around me; I wasn’t giving any motherfucker the chance to get a jump on me when I was least expecting it.

His eyes lock with mine, and he gives me an almost invisible nod before turning around and walking toward the exit.

I guess I’m following then…

The second we step out of the siding doors, I reach up and pull my aviators down over my eyes, scanning my surroundings, looking for the guy’s friends. There is no way he came here alone. I know Griff said that he thought Luciana was working on her own with this little mission. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t still have a small army around her like her husband, and other members of the Rivera, have shadowing their every move.

Suspicion trickles through me when I don’t spot anyone who looks like they might be loitering in case something goes wrong as we approach a blacked-out town car.

The guy pulls the back door open and gestures for me to get in.

My arm twitches in a knee-jerk reaction to check for my gun, but I catch myself. Not just because it’s not there but because I don’t want him to think that his silent routine is intimidating me.

It’s not.

The second I’m seated, the door slams shut behind me, leaving me with nothing but silence and the scent of new car.

It’s not until his own car door is shut, ensuring our privacy that the man looks into the rearview mirror and catches my eyes.

“Good morning, Mr. Harris. I trust you had a relaxing journey,” he says in a deep, heavily-accented voice.

“I did,” I agree. How can I not? I had a first-class fucking ticket. It seems that I’m not the only one willing to splash the cash when it comes to getting the person I need right in front of me.

“Fantastic,” he muses, giving me a tight smile before twisting in his seat and holding his hand out. “Cell phone, please. Turned off. And anything else you can be tracked with.”

I stare at him in disbelief, but he doesn’t budge an inch.

Understanding that this whole trip is going to be for nothing if I don’t hand it over, I pull my cell from my pocket, swipe the screen, and power it down.

I’d called JD the second we’d landed, but there was no answer, and he still hasn’t emerged out of his bed, it seems.

“Thank you,” the guy says with an insincere smile before pocketing it. “I assume you didn’t smuggle any weapons?”

There’s a part of me that wants to make a snide comment about my fists. JD would if he were sitting. But instead, I shake my head.

“I might be reckless, but I’m not stupid.” I scoff instead.

“Good to hear,” he mutters, turning back around to start the car. “Just a short journey and you’ll be able to clean up and relax before your meeting.”