Page 179 of Lawless

My heart rate picks up, and when I meet Mav’s eyes, he doesn’t look all that much more confident about how this is going to go, even though he’s the one who brought this possible intel to the table.

If he’s wrong, or worse, fucks us over… well. We don’t need to think about what would happen next.

Curling my fists, I wait for Malakai to say something.


Finally, when he does, everyone in the room lets out a sigh of relief.

“Okay, Harris. Let’s talk. Heir to heir.”



Istudy Aubrey as she lowers herself into the chair opposite to me. Her dark locks blow gently in the wind, the sun making her golden skin glow in a way that I’m sure only makes me look pale and gaunt.

She really isn’t good for my self-confidence, even if I have been spending my days with three of the most desired men in Harrow Creek.

I take her in, a frown marring my face as I try to figure her out.

She’s friends with Reid and has been for a long time by the sounds of it. There shouldn’t be a question about her being trustworthy. But I can’t accept her that easily.

Not when she’s one of the only people who knows where we are right now. She holds the key to destroy the men I care about.

“You do know that you’re living every female’s wildest fantasy right now, don’t you?” she asks, appearing to be unfazed by my scrutiny.

“I don’t care what every other woman out there wants. The men inside this house are mine,” I state protectively.

The words float between us, and I wait to see how she’s going to react.

But then a smile spreads across her face and she relaxes back in the chair, crossing one leg over the other.

“Okay, mama bear, I’m not after your cubs,” she jokes.

“You and Reid,” I start unable to let this go. If she’s going to be a part of our lives, even just briefly, I need to know the truth.

“Girl, Reid and I would end up killing each other if we went there. We’re far too pig-headed to be compatible in any way.”

“So you’ve never—”

She shakes her head, although it’s not in a patronizing way. “No, we’ve never. Not even come close. I’m not your competition, Alana. Those boys are all yours to play with.”

Her words are spoken with nothing but honesty, and I see it shining in her eyes as well, making me sink back into the cushions.

“Now tell me about that,” she demands. “I want all the ins and outs,” she teases.

I stare at her in shock.

I’ve never had a girlfriend. I’ve never done… this.

Kristie was too young, not that I ever had any boy gossip that I could tell her. She had a few tales about boys she fancied at school, but it was nothing more than a crush.

And then I had Mav.

I’ve seen plenty of girl talk on the TV and I was always jealous of those easy relationships, where you can be completely open and talk about everything, but I was aware that I never stood a chance of ever having one.

Firstly, the fewer people I talked to the better, and also, who the hell would ever understand me, what I’ve been through?