Page 177 of Lawless

“Have those two really never fucked?” Alana whispers in my ear, making all my hairs stand on end.

Looking down at her, I search her eyes for a moment. She’s trying to look strong and self-assured, but I see the jealousy swirling within her. She’s practically oozing green.

“No, they've never bumped uglies.”

“But they’re so—” she swallows, cutting off her words, “I dunno, close, I guess.”

“I think he sees her more like a sister than anything else. You’ve nothing to worry about with Aubs, Dove.”

Her brows pinch harshly. “What? I’m not worried.”

“Sure, you’re not,” I tease, glancing over at Reid and Aubrey to make sure they’re distracted before I reach out and cup her face. “I promise you, I have never seen him act the way he does with you with anyone else. You’re one of a kind, baby.”

The most incredible smile curls at her lips.

“So are you, Julian,” she whispers before reaching up on her toes and kissing me a little too deeply, considering we have an audience.

“So how is all this working exactly?” Aubrey asks loudly, clearly not distracted at all.

“Do we really need to go there?” Reid asks quietly.

“It’s pretty easy really, Aubs. We’re all just trying our best to make this one happy,” I say, making Alana shriek when I suddenly pull her into my body and drop into one of the chairs.

She thinks for a moment, seemingly too interested in what is happening here. “So do you have some kind of schedule or something? And does Mav get first dibs seeing as she’s wearing his ring?”

“Oh, hell no,” I bark, tightening my arms around my Dove. “All’s fair in love and war, ain’t that right, Harris?”

Reid glares at me from his position resting against the kitchen counter.

“So are we talking one at a time here or an every hole is a goal situation?”

Reid snorts in shock at her words. I’m pretty sure coffee actually squirts out of his nose.


“What? I’m intrigued.”

“Well, the other morning, your boy here was behind my dove with his—”

Alana’s hand claps over my mouth, stopping me from explaining that epic situation.

“Julian,” she hisses.

“What?” I mutter around her hand before licking up her palm.

Wrinkling her nose, she pulls it away

“It’s not like Aubs is going to judge. I bet she’s been involved in some far more fucked-up situations over the years.”

“Truth,” the woman in question mutters before focusing her attention on Alana. “I think me and you need to talk, girl.”

“And here I was thinking this couldn’t get any worse,” Reid complains.

“It could totally get worse. What are all your little brothers up to these days?” Aubrey asks, wiggling her brows suggestively.

“Stay the fuck away from my brothers.”

“Oh, come on. It’s not like I’d corrupt them. I’ve done a job in Maddison County; I know exactly what the baby Harris’s get up to.”