Page 16 of Lawless

I shake my head, unable to process all of that while she’s sitting before me with swollen lips from our kiss, and desire darkening her eyes.

“Come back,” she begs, reaching for me with little grabby hands.

“Have you seen outside?” I ask, turning away from her and shoving my hand into my pants for the second time since I got out of the car to fix the fact my dick is trying to bust out.

“Uh… no, not yet,” she says as I open the sliding doors and step out into the morning sun.

Only a second later, the sound of her small feet against the deck hits my ears and she steps beside me at the railing, passing me my forgotten coffee.

“It’s really incredible,” she muses quietly.

Turning to look at her, I watch as she takes a sip of her coffee, her eyes locked on the sun as it rises over the ocean.

“Yeah,” I whisper. “You are.”

“W-what?” she stutters.

“Look, it’s got a hot tub.”

“Oh my God,” she cries, forgetting all about my previous comment in her excitement. “I hope you packed my swimsuit.”

Something explodes in my belly before making a beeline to my dick as I consider my answer to that.

“I packed for a quick getaway, Doll. Not a vacation.”

She shrugs. “Oh well, I’ve nothing to hide. You?” she asks, turning those sparkling blue eyes on me.

To an outsider, it would be easy to think that she’s dealing with this. But I know my wife better than that. Her favorite coping mechanism is pretending that everything is okay, all the while crumbling behind the façade.

“I think you already know the answer to that, don’t you, Doll?”

Her eyes drop to my crotch and her tongue sneaks out, licking across her full bottom lip.

I’ve learned something else about her in the last few days too. She uses sex as a distraction from real life, from dealing with the pain that comes with it.

I can’t say I’m surprised. After the childhood she had, it makes sense that she uses sex as more than pleasure.

I can also understand why JD caved to it too. Saying no to my wife is really fucking hard.

I should know, I’ve been doing it for five years.

Hard. As. Fuck.

She saunters closer, her intentions written all over her face.

“Doll,” I warn before she closes the final inches between us.

She looks up, biting her bottom lip temptingly.

Reaching out, I cup her jaw, my thumb stroking across her satin skin.

“You don’t need to do this. Not with me,” I tell her.

Her brows pinch in confusion.

“Do what? Want you?”

“No, you can do that all you like,” I say, in complete contrast to everything I’ve said previously. “You don’t need to hide behind it or pretend that everything is okay. I know you, Alana, I know that leaving isn’t as easy as you’re making out.”