Page 118 of Lawless

“I’m okay,” I croak as the warmth of his giant hands burns through JD’s shirt to my upper arms.

He looms over me, his presence huge and unforgiving, and the second I look up, my eyes locking in his dark and deadly ones, my knees give out.

“Alana.” He growls, catching me long before I hit the floor.

Scooping me up into his strong arms, he holds me close against his chest.

His masculine scent fills my nose and I’m powerless but to rest my head against his shoulder as he stands there frozen.

“You should take her back to bed,” the woman suggests.

Despite the effect her presence has on me, her voice is soft and caring.

It confuses the hell out of me.

Who is she?

There’s a niggle of awareness in the depths of my brain like I already know the answer, but I can’t grasp it.

“No,” I whimper, the word falling from my lips before my brain has registered the thought.

“You should be sleeping,” Reid warns, his voice is quiet, but I feel the vibration of it through his chest.

“Please,” I whisper, although I’ve no idea what I’m asking for.

He hesitates but after a couple of seconds, he walks back to the couch and sits down.

The whole time, the other woman watches us with wide, curious eyes.

“Would you like anything to eat or drink?” she asks.

I part my lips to respond, but Reid beats me to it. “Water, coffee, and crackers. She didn’t eat any before.”

“You got it, Boss,” the woman teases, saluting him before spinning on her heels and descending the stairs with a little more flounce than I’d like to see when I can barely stand.

I keep my eyes on her glossy dark hair until she disappears from my sight, but I still don’t look away.

“Who is she?” I ask, unable to mask how I feel about having another woman here.

I’ve never been a jealous person.

Or more so… I didn’t realize I was one.

The only man I’ve ever wanted was Mav, and he never, ever gave me a reason to question his loyalty.

Reid though… sitting here in his arms now, I realize that I don’t really know him.

Unlike JD, he’s held himself back from day one.

Yes, there might have been a couple of chinks in his armor, mainly that day in the gym when his resolve not to touch me cracked, or the night in the hallway when I tried to outrun my nightmares but other than that, he’s been a rock.

I never stopped to think that the reason might be another woman.

“Oh, Pet,” he muses, shifting beneath me to get comfortable. “I think I like this look on you.”

A deep frown mars my brow.

“What look?”