Page 93 of Mr. Hook-up

“No, no, it’s all good, it’s just a lot. The new coders I recently hired are doing an incredible job, so I feel like I have a solid team. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a thousand and one hiccups a day, but we’re working through them.”

“Babe, that sounds stressful as fuck.” She exhaled. “I know we deal with stress the same way: we hold it all in until we explode, and that explosion either comes with lots of screaming or endless tears or both. Tell me what you need and how I can help.”

I set my hand on her wrist, wrapping my fingers around the inside, where she had her grandmother’s initials tattooed, from a time in our lives when we were both grieving. “You’re here. You’re listening. That’s everything I need from you.” I squeezed before I let go. “But even with all the stress and hiccups, I still expect us to hit our rollout date.”

“That’s because you’re a boss lady and one badass bitch.”

I laughed.

“And then your lucky ass gets to go home to Easton, where he works out all your stress.”

“Yup,” I agreed.“That.”

I felt a vibration in the back pocket of my jeans where I kept my phone, and I reached for it.

Easton:Grayson and I are going out for drinks. Tell me where you and Saara are hanging tonight so we don’t crash your party.

“One sec,” I said to Saara. “I just have to tell Easton where we are so he doesn’t show up with Grayson.”

“So what if he does? It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve seen my semi-boyfriend. I wouldn’t mind hanging with him.”

“Are we talking about Easton or Grayson?”

When I’d gotten back from Germany, Saara had picked me up at the office for lunch, where she’d met all the guys. She’d also joined Easton and me for dinner a few times, so she could really be talking about any of them at this point.

“Grayson? No, no,nooo. I like dicks that can be measured in inches. That man has a constant snarl that I just don’t jibe with. Besides, two type As in a relationship? Can you imagine? We’d go twelve rounds over something silly like who’s making the bed. I just don’t need that ugliness in my life.” She flipped her hair off her shoulder, her face warming as she said, “I was talking about Easton. He’s with my best friend, which means he’s kinda married to me, too, and given your old username, he thought he was really dating me anyway, so that totally makes him my semi-boyfriend.”

“That’ll make him laugh when I tell him.”

“Girl, I already told him when we all had dinner together. You’re way behind.”

“I love you.” I puckered my lips and kissed the air. “But it’s girls’ night. The boys aren’t invited.”

“I support that answer.”

I giggled. “I thought you would.”

I glanced down at my phone and quickly typed a reply.

Me:Corner of Stuart and Clarendon Streets. The little hole in the wall, you know the place.

Easton:You love it there.

Me:It reminds me of college, and they have amazing vodka.


Me:Haha. Yessss.

Easton:Have fun tonight, baby. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.


“Look at you,” Saara said as I tucked my phone away. “You’re glowing again.” She held her glass to her lips. “I really hope that one day a man comes into my life and rocks my whole world like Easton has rocked yours.”

“I promise it’s going to happen.” I wrapped my fingers around her upper arm, squeezing. “And I can’t wait to watch once it does.”

The bartender came back just as I was pulling my hand away and said, “A dude named Easton just called and picked up your whole tab. So whatever you order tonight is on him.”