Page 86 of Mr. Hook-up

“I’ll pass.”

My brows raised. “Nope. Not happening. You love chocolate. You have to at least try it.”

“But I don’t love cherries. Fruit and chocolate just don’t do it for me.”

Before I could comment, my phone chimed. I took it out of my pocket, reading the message.


I nodded. “David wants to run something by me. One sec.” I read the rest of his text and typed out a quick reply. “I adore him,” I said once I hit send. “He’s the most valuable asset on my team.”

“David’s great. He’s been with us since day one.”

I smiled. “He told me. He said you paid him in weed and beer before you were able to put him on salary.”

Easton laughed. “And grocery store gift cards. I think we ended up throwing in a few of those, but yes, that’s all he earned at first.” His stare intensified as he said, “Do you miss it at all?”



“No.” I slid my cell back into my pocket and grabbed a fork. “I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. I know I’ve only been at Hooked for a short time, but everyone has been so nice and welcoming. What you’ve built there is like a family and”—I shrugged, feeling the heavy touch of emotion—“I don’t know, it’s like family to me, and knowing I’m not alone, that I have you and them ... well, that’s an incredible feeling.”

His hand went to my face, holding my cheek. “With you being at Faceframe for so long, I was worried you wouldn’t feel that with us. It’s extremely difficult to start something new and get to know the procedures and bond with coworkers. I knew everyone would welcome you. I’m just happy you feel the way you do.”

I took the lid off the cake and stabbed a swirl of frosting, holding it out for him to eat. I pulled the fork out of his mouth and scooped some cake, this time with a hint of fruit, and it disappeared between his lips. “Aside from loving my job, there’s you. It’s hard to keep my thoughts of you and Hooked separate—so much overlaps, and it has since the moment I met you.” I glanced toward the water. “But the happiness extends far beyond my employment. I feel it every second while I’m with you. Just know that.”

His fingers slid into my hair, his palm staying on my cheek. “You know what I’ve noticed about the professional side of you?” He paused, but he wasn’t looking for a response. “You have this quality that I’ve never seen in another leader. It’s the way you encourage, motivate. It’s almost like you put the listener in a trance and suddenly they’re eating cherry cake and they don’t even realize it until they swallow.”

I laughed. “I’m a pusher.”

“But you do it silently.” His stare deepened. “And you’re so down-to-earth, so humble, it comes across effortlessly. Like some of the times I’ve seen you with the coders and David. Rather than pull up a chair to their desk, you kneel next to them on the floor. Not squat—your knees are literally resting on the carpet. Or the meetings you conduct on the beanbags with your shoes off and your laptop on your lap. People wantto work with you. They want to be around you.” His thumb pushed my hair back. “They want to eat the cake they know they’re not going to like.”

I nuzzled my face into his hand. “But did you like it?”

“No.” He smiled. “However, you’re so convincing that if you put the fork up to my mouth, I’m sure I’d take another bite.”

I leaned in and kissed him, immediately tasting the chocolate on his lips. “Forcing you to eat something you knew you wouldn’t like. That’s not very nice of me.” As I squeezed my thighs together, I felt the soreness between them, and I pressed my lips against his again. “Sounds like I have some making up to do.”

“I like the thought of that.”

I already knew we were alone in the park, especially up here, on the half wall, a remote section with an audience of trees and birds, yet I still looked to my right and left and across the water. “Good, because I have another idea.”



Drake had an idea, and I couldn’t wait to see what it was.

It took only a few seconds for me to realize, when she moved the food and beer behind her on the half wall, holding the railing to help her onto her knees, that her focus was now on my dick.

She gazed up at me from my lap and I asked, “This is what you want?”


I needed zero convincing.

She loosened my belt, unbuttoned my jeans, lowered my zipper, and pulled out my hard-on.