Page 79 of Mr. Hook-up

While my orgasm hit and I started the blissful descent, our breaths turned labored, our grips tightened.

Everything slowed until there was nothing left but stillness.

Instead of releasing me, he wrapped his arms fully around me, drawing me in even closer so our chests were pressed together. Our warm skin stuck, the heat from the passion we’d just shared keeping us glued.

“You have no idea how happy it makes me to look at you.” A soft kiss followed. “To see your face, to know exactly who you are—whether that’s Love or Drake, I don’t care.”

There was something so special about those words.

They hit me, hard, staying in my heart, squeezing it.

I licked him off my lips, raking my fingers through his hair. “You know, one of the best parts about tonight is that it doesn’t have to end. Instead of going home, feeling alone, I get to wake up in the morning and kiss you again.”



I stood in the doorway of Drake’s office, watching her type on her keyboard, reminiscing about this morning, when she’d been lying on my bed, naked, her long, dark hair spread across my chest, and I’d listened to her breathe. And now, hours later, while I hovered here, employees passing me in the hallway, I had to act as though I hadn’t spent half of last night with my face between her legs. As though I couldn’t still smell the coconut on my skin from when we’d kissed on our way to work. As though I hadn’t held her against the wall of my shower and given her several reasons to scream this morning.

Her eyes finally flicked up, noticing me, and a smile spread across her face as our stares locked.

I walked into her office, whispering, “You look gorgeous,” right before I took a seat in front of her desk.

She glanced down at her outfit. “No, I look like a mess. But you know one of the things I like most about you?” She set her arms on her desk, swimming in the baggy button-down that she wore, and leanedinto the edge of the wood. “The fact that you saw me, what, two cups of coffee ago, and you’re looking at me like this is the very first time you’ve ever seen me.” A warmth dragged all the way up to her eyes. “You’re a whole mood, Easton. I love it.”

That was because I couldn’t get enough of her.

And I didn’t know if I ever would.

“If you weren’t so beautiful and if I wasn’t so grateful that you—Love—the both of you are back in my life, then this expression wouldn’t be on my face.”

“Stop. Look at what you’re making me do.” She pointed at her cheeks, which were reddening. “If anyone walks in right now, we’re a dead giveaway.”

“Speaking of that.”

“Yes, speaking of that.” She held up her hand, telling me she wasn’t done. “I know we talked about this very briefly at the bar, and then all hell broke loose the second you kissed me, but we need to discuss it.”

“Is that how you’d describe what I did to your body? Hell breaking loose?”

She shook her head, grinning. “You’re so distracting.”

“I want to lock your door and ravish you on this fucking desk right now.”

She glanced away, fanning her face, laughing. “This is serious and you’re not helping.”

I leaned back in my chair, crossing my legs. “All right. Serious side. Hit me with it.”

She didn’t immediately answer, collecting her thoughts first. “I’ve already expressed to you how much I love this job. But you’re my boss, and your level of authority over me makes me a bit nervous. There are just so many unknowns with that.” She paused, searching my eyes. “Easton, I’ve never done anything like this before—I didn’t date anyone from Faceframe or any of the companies I consulted for.”

“I get it. I really do.”

“Good, then you understand why I want to take things slow. I want to figure this out together. I want what’s best for us and Hooked and for both of us to feel comfortable with what that looks like. I’m not pausing, I’m not rushing, I’m just taking the steps that feel right for us.” She clasped her hands, looking so genuine when she said, “I really care about you, and I want this to work.”

I softened my voice. “I do too.”

And because of that, I had zero issues with her being employed here.

With her working beneath me.