And I took a long, deep inhale.
She watched me.
The desire building on her face.
“Do you know how badly I want to lick you? How that one time in the stairwell wasn’t nearly enough?”
Air huffed from her mouth. “Easton ... I’m dying right now ...”
I surrounded her thighs and swiped my nose around her clit.
Followed by my lips.
And scruff.
Getting completely, entirely lost in her.
“Drake ...” The breath I sucked in was full of her. “It’s as perfect as I remember.”
But before I returned to that spot I was craving, where I’d be so captivated, I wouldn’t leave, I kissed around her hips. Consuming. Savoring. “And these are perfect.” I licked each place after I kissed it,moving from that area to cross her stomach. “So is this.” I settled there, traveling around her belly button, to the lowest point that was just above her center, and rose to her ribs. “And here.” I moved slowly. Lovingly. Unhooking her bra and freeing her breasts, my mouth hovering above her nipple as I breathed, “Even more perfection right here.” I dipped down her arm, ending at her wrist, where I kissed the black tattooed initials. Once I covered her other arm in tender embraces, I leaned back to take her all in. “You’re a fucking dream and now you’re here and ... you’re mine.”
Despite the hunger, there was emotion, too, her hand tightening in my hair as she exhaled. “Easton ...”
My position placed me close to her mouth. “You’ve haunted me, Drake. Every inch of you has.”
When she pressed her mouth to mine, her kiss was different.
It was sentimental.
It came with a mood and a tone.
And it told me precisely what she wanted.
That was why, when she eventually pulled away, I returned to the V between her legs, holding her thighs apart, my gaze covering the bareness of her lips and the fold of her clit. “I’m one lucky man right now.”
“You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”
I wiped my finger around her entrance, gathering the wetness there. “I can tell. I can feel it.” I traced the skin on her inner thighs, and an explosion erupted in my body as my tongue landed on her clit. “Fuck, Drake. There’s nothing like you. Nothing that tastes better. Nothing that I want more.” I continued to lick, only stopping to say, “How badly do you want to come right now?”
As my question simmered in her chest, her teeth stabbed her lip.
An action that made my dick twitch.
That made everything inside my body start to tingle.
“Because I plan on taking my time.” My nose rounded her clit. Softly. With just enough pressure to make her gasp. “Dragging this out as long as possible, until you’re screaming for an orgasm.”
Her lips parted, but she said nothing.
That look. That stare. That famine that moved over her mouth was more than I could handle.
“Never mind, Drake, I’m not going to give you a choice.”
Her palm moved to my forehead, like she was trying to stop me from licking her. “What are you going to do to me?”
“Everything I’ve been fantasizing about.” I peeled her hand away. “Starting with this.” I flattened my tongue and trailed it across her clit.
“Ohhh. Yesss,”she moaned.