His affection having even more potency.
Because the first time was a surprise, but the second time was a confirmation.
“You’re right,” I whispered. “It just got so much better.”
Drake asked me to meet her at a coffee shop not far from the office in the heart of the Back Bay. I was running a few minutes late. Since Holden had taken Belle to Disney to celebrate the international rollout and Grayson was in Saint-Tropez doing the same, there was a lot to hold down.
Especially because the last month had been the most successful in Hooked’s history.
So to find a lull and be able to escape the office was even more challenging than normal. But the truth was, I needed the downtime. I was positive Drake knew that, and that was why she’d asked me to meet her.
That woman’s ability to read me was almost uncanny.
It was as though she sensed my energy and knew just what I was most desperate for.
Today was a break from the room filled with the sounds of my ringing phone; the constant popping in from my assistant, who needed something almost every few minutes; and the ping of emails coming in faster than I could respond.
I needed quiet.
I needed my girl.
And I was about to get her as I rounded the corner, catching sight of her almost immediately. Despite the chilly weather, she was outside, her coat wrapped tightly around her. A cloud of breath smoked from her lips every time she exhaled. An espresso was in front of her, her hands wrapped around it.
There was something about this scenery that brought me back. Not to a moment I had experienced before, but to one I’d heard about.
Years and years ago.
When Love had dominated my life and Drake wasn’t even a thought yet.
She saw me as soon as I got a little closer, approaching the strip of commercial space where the café was nestled. The sidewalk was heavily occupied, but that didn’t stop us from locking eyes. It seemed Drake could find me no matter where I was. I could be dressed as everyone else, a color that matched the crowd, but once her senses took over, it was as though a spotlight were shining on top of my head.
She saw me.
Felt me.
And a smile came over those gorgeous lips.
As I neared, she brought the small cup up to her mouth and took a drink, and I slowed by her table but didn’t stop. I held her gaze the entire way, past her seat, until I’d gone too far and couldn’t see her anymore.
That was when I heard, “Easton!”
A warmth filled me, and it didn’t come from the café as I opened the door.
As I recalled the story in my head, she’d let the first man pass without stopping him.
It seemed she wasn’t going to make the same mistake, even if I was only going inside to get a coffee.
I glanced sideways across my shoulder, meeting a grinning face. “Yes?”
I chuckled. “Hi, baby.”