I anticipated that response, but it still wasn’t good enough. “You’re saying you received nothing from her while she’s been employed at Hooked—no data, no information, absolutely nothing?”
“Going to work for you was the worst move she ever made—”
“Brennon, did you receive anything from her or not?” I growled, cutting off his bullshit. “Answer the fucking question.”
“No. Not a single line of code.”
Just what I thought.
“Then why did the email come from her address?” Grayson asked.
Brennon smiled, a look that made my stomach churn. “That was a nice touch, wasn’t it?” He seemed to stare off into space as he continued, “I was going to send the email from my own account, but I thought restoring hers would be much more fun. Why not send you on a little scavenger hunt, thinking your director is fucking you, ripping your own hair out in the process.” He eyed me up. “Ah, the satisfaction. I can’t tell you how good it feels.”
“You’re a weak motherfucker, you know that,” I bellowed.
“I’m a genius.” His lips were almost hidden from all the hair, but I could still see the smile that rose through it. “I planned out every single step of this. How the Dating Place app was going to look. How it wasgoing to target your clients. How I was going to deliver the information to you—you’ve got to admit, using Drake was brilliant.” He laughed. “That’s how determined I am to ruin you. I did a good job, didn’t I?”
I looked at David and then at Grayson. “I think we have everything we need, fellas.”
We got up from our chairs, the two of them fisting their coffees, and as we passed Brennon, I heard, “That’s it? You’re just going to threaten suit and then fucking leave? What about—”
I glanced over my shoulder and said, “It’s not a threat. It’s a promise,” and then I continued out the door and got into the SUV.
The driver took us straight to the airport, where we boarded our private plane, and less than two hours later we were landing in LA.
The entire way to the law firm, I couldn’t stop thinking about Drake.
How she was the woman I was supposed to be with.
How there wasn’t anything in this world I wouldn’t do for her.
Some men were fortunate enough to find a partner. Some found their best friend. I’d found both, a talented, stunning woman who was everything I wanted.
Everything I needed in my life.
And I hadn’t bonded with her just once.
But twice.
If my past had taught me anything, it was that no matter what, you didn’t let go.
You fought.
And that was just what I was going to do when we walked through the doors of The Dalton Group, a sign for which was displayed at the top of the high-rise in downtown Los Angeles.
We were brought into a conference room where two men already sat, and they stood the moment we walked in.
“Declan Shaw,” the first gentleman said, sticking out his hand for me to shake.
From his grip alone, I knew this man was like a raging, snarling pit bull. I saw it in his eyes. His stature. The way his presence dominated the room even though he’d said no more than a few words.
“Easton Jones,” I replied.
“Easton, this is my colleague, Camden Dalton.”
The Dalton Group,I thought.
“Partner?” I asked Camden while David and Grayson introduced themselves to Declan. “Related to the family somehow?”