Page 111 of Mr. Hook-up

My eyes taking in the unique characteristics of Boston.

My mind trying to empty from everything plaguing it.

My lungs filling with air that I hadn’t been able to suck in while I was at my apartment.

I didn’t know how long I walked. How far I’d gone. What time it even was.

But at one point, I realized I was no longer moving. I was sitting on a bench in front of a small pond where ducks and swans were floating across the top.

The Public Garden.

My favorite place in the city.

Easton’s too.

Oh God.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, ignoring all the notifications on the screen. I found the last message he’d sent, and I began to type.

Me:I appreciate you. More than words can say.

Easton:Hi, baby. How’s your walk going?

Easton:Don’t be angry with Saara for telling me. I told her to keep me updated, she’s only doing her job.

Me:I’m at the Public Garden.

Easton:As you should be. The swans and ducks all good?

Me:Lol. All good.

Me:Where are you?

Easton:33,000 feet up in the air.

Me:Are you going to tell me where you’re going?

Easton:I’ll tell you where I’ve gone when I’m on my way back.

Me:Fair enough.

Easton:I’m not going to ask if you’re okay. I know you’re not. But I’m going to tell you that everything is going to be okay and I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure of that.

Me:I don’t deserve you.

Easton:You would do the same thing for me.

Eason:Try to enjoy the park. I’ll call you later.



My hands fucking shook as Grayson, David, and I left the hotel we’d stayed in last night and got into the SUV waiting for us outside the lobby. David had never been on a business trip with us before, but once the idea came to me and several messages were exchanged, it became apparent that he was a significant part of my plan. And as the events began to unfold yesterday—first at the office and then on the plane and shortly after we landed in San Francisco—it turned out that the plan wasn’t just genius, it was one of the best I’d ever come up with.

It was exactly what needed to happen to clear Drake’s name.

Originally, using David had merely been a way in. An unprotected pathway, as though I were hacking into the truth. Never did I think it was going to be this easy to get the information I needed.