SaarasLove:And bestie and I are on the couch, watching The Town. Have you seen it?
Me:Seen it, that’s a Boston classic. I’m just surprised you’re watching it.
SaarasLove:I think I’ve watched it a hundred times.
Me:What do you like about it?
SaarasLove:One: Boston. Two: Ben Affleck. Three: Ben Affleck hahaha.
SaarasLove:Surprised I love a good thriller over a romance?
Me:For sure. I pegged you for more of The Notebook kinda girl.
SaarasLove:Nope. The Notebook isn’t for me. Neither is horror. Surprise me, yes. Scare me, hard no.
Me:You’re saying I shouldn’t take you to a Stephen King movie for our first date?
SaarasLove:Unless you want to watch it alone, no.
Me:That first date needs to happen soon.
SaarasLove:Yes, it does.
Me:Do me a favor...keep Saturday night free.
SaarasLove:I think I can make that happen.
SaarasLove:PS: thanks for making me smile today.
Me:About Saturday night, I have an idea.
SaarasLove:Hiiii! Oh, I can’t wait to hear it.
SaarasLove:And, btw, a few of my friends and bestie have joined Hooked and none of them have matched at 100%. I’m dying to see what this connection is going to feel like when I finally get to meet you. I I going to become addicted to you, Mr.Boston?
Me:We’re going to find out.
SaarasLove:Tell me all the details about Saturday.
Me:Not sure if you’ve heard but Hooked is throwing a massive party that night. I just read about it on their IG page. I guess they rented out a whole ballroom at a hotel and it’s masquerade themed. Let’s meet there.
SaarasLove:Now that sounds like fun.
Me:Fun...because you want to see the rest of me naked?
SaarasLove:Ha! Well, yes, there’s THAT.
Me:Love, I can’t stop thinking about you.
SaarasLove:Same. So much of the same.
SaarasLove:See you soon. I’ll be the one in all red...
“Tell me you’re nervous because of the party and not because you’re finally meeting Love,” Grayson said. He stood next to me at the mouth of the ballroom, Holden on my other side, the massive space now completely filled with Hooked users. “If you’re acting all fidgety because you’re about to meet Love, I’m going to think you’re getting soft on me.”
“He’s allowed to be nervous about Love,” Holden announced before I had a chance to respond. “He’s about to meet his perfect match. Shit, that’s huge.”