Page 109 of Mr. Hook-up

“Let’s look at all the positives, shall we?” She found my phone, which was tucked under my thigh, and pulled up my messages. “Look at all these texts you’ve gotten. Here’s one from the head of HR, who reached out to check on you. Another from the head of finance.” She continued to scroll. “And here’s a bunch from all of your team.” She nuzzled up even closer to me. “Is that a smile I see?”

“Definitely not.”

She set my phone in my lap. “I’m on a mission to make that smile appear, regardless of what I have to do.”

I immediately tossed my phone a few cushions down.

I didn’t want to see it anymore.

“I know what will do the trick,” she said. “We can talk about the fact that Easton and Grayson are flying somewhere right now with all the intention of clearing your name.”




“I can’t even process that,” I admitted.

“Why, babe? He loves you. That’s why he’s out there, acting all Jedi-like, heading off to who knows where to lightsaber someone’s ass.”

I stopped trying to hold back the tears, and the moment I dropped the little effort I’d been putting in, my chin quivered, the water making my vision blurry. I set the wine down and covered my face, leaning into Saara’s shoulder while she wrapped her other arm around me.

“He’s got you.”

And that was the part that made me cry even harder.

Easton had called me from the car not too long after I’d left the office. He told me he and Grayson had just left their condo building, where they’d stopped to pack a few things, and they were on their way to their private jet. Holden had only stayed back because of Belle. Their mission was to clear my name, but how they planned to do that and where they were going, I didn’t know. He didn’t have time to share those details. He just phoned to tell me that he wasn’t going to make it over after work, that he’d been in touch with Saara and she was going to come in his place, and that he’d be back in a few days.

Since Easton and Saara were now FaceDick friends, it made it easy for them to communicate without me.

“I can’t believe he’s doing this for me,” I whispered.

“Why? He knows you’re not at fault, and he obviously thinks he can fix it. I get the feeling Easton would do absolutely anything for you, and I feel like today proved that.”

Oh God.

That thought, that realization, caused even more emotion.

I tried to breathe, and when I couldn’t, I leaned back, wiping my face with my sleeve.

“Ummm, why is there a half-eaten cookie in my hair?” Saara asked.

I looked at her just as she pulled it out of her locks. “Sorry. I forgot you even gave it to me. I must have set it down—on you.”

She laughed as she placed it on the table and picked up a pint of ice cream. “Oreo and peanut butter cup, our fave.” She dipped a spoon into the creamy mixture and dug out a heaping mound that she handed to me. “Another thing we haven’t talked about yet is how your relationship with Easton has now been aired. The guys know, so you don’t have to sneak around anymore and check to see if Grayson is in the elevator at Easton’s building and hide out in the kitchen at the office to make out.”

“Which we didn’t do.”

She pulled the empty spoon out of my hand and covered it with more from the pint before giving it back to me. “You didn’t?”

“That happened once.”

“Only ...once?”

“Maybe twice.” I chewed off a huge chunk of Oreo before washing it down with a gulp of wine. “And I guess it’s a relief that they know, and Easton and I have definitely established a flow at the office that works for us, but ...”

“But what?”