Page 99 of Mr. Hook-up

After the last fifteen or so minutes that I’d spent in the elevator with Easton, I was practically out of breath as I got seated at my desk. A situation that, before those fifteen minutes, had induced a semi-panic attack eased only by his perfect, incredibly talented tongue.

My God, that man.

He’d read my body and known exactly how to get my mind out of the place it was headed, bringing me into a cloud of euphoria before the panic could really peak.

And just when I thought we were on the verge of having mind-blowing elevator sex, the call had come through. Not that I minded. I’d be spending tonight at his place anyway, where there would be many more opportunities to get physical. But after he’d knelt on the floor and slipped under my dress, lapping me with such vigor, I wanted to give back.

I wanted to make him moan as loudly as I had.

Easton was so good to me.

In fact, it was hard to believe someone like him even existed in this world. Someone who was so focused on my emotional and physicalneeds, who constantly wanted to spend so much time with me, who had so many endearing and unique qualities.

Saara was right.

I was falling in love.

And the only sound that could pull me out of those thoughts, popping the bubble of bliss that I was in, aside from Easton’s voice, was the ringing of my office line. The caller ID showed the call came from the conference room, a source I found extremely strange.

I answered, “This is Drake.”

“Drake, hi, it’s Holden. Do you mind coming into the conference room? We’d like to speak with you.”


Since my monitor was on, I quickly checked my calendar, looking for a meeting the elevator mishap had caused me to miss.

There was nothing on the schedule.

“Of course,” I replied. “I’ll be right in.”

I hung up the phone and grabbed a notepad and pen and made my way down the hallway. The door to the conference room was closed, a sight that caused me to pause the moment my hand clasped the knob. When I turned it and opened the door, I saw everyone was already inside.

All three partners.

The head of HR.

The head of finance.

And our in-house attorney.

The entire executive-level team I met with on a weekly basis.

Who had obviously spent the last few minutes—or more—meeting without me.

From what I had experienced so far at this company, meetings as formal as this didn’t spring up out of nowhere. One of the partners would stop by my office, phone calls would be made, smiles were typically shared versus the aloofness that I saw around the table.

I suddenly had a bad feeling in my stomach.

“Thank you for joining us, Drake,” Holden said. “Please take a seat anywhere that you feel comfortable.”

As I made my way to an open spot, my hands felt odd and clammy, almost numb. My feet were moving as though I no longer controlled them. The breathlessness I’d felt earlier was back, but for an entirely different reason.

I caught Easton’s eyes during my journey. I couldn’t read his expression, nor did I understand what was behind his stare.

I had just been with him, and he hadn’t mentioned anything about this meeting.

What the hell is going on?